Maybe in 4 years when Americans are suck of the dumbening down of all suff, we can get Neil Degrass Tyson elected and have a scientist in the whitehouse.
Maybe in 4 years when Americans are suck of the dumbening down of all suff, we can get Neil Degrass Tyson elected and have a scientist in the whitehouse.
The food is awful and the portions are too small.
The mask has already been made.
The next movie really should have some of the Futurama writers contribute.
Now you know why they keep building Death Stars, storm troopers can onky hit planet sized targets or larger.
Star Wars XXX is about a girl with daddy issues.
History was written by the Rebellion. It probably was a small crafts project.
Probably from some dirty slave on that sand planet.
This is not the Death Star you are looking for?
“Butler plays a man who heads into space to prevent climate-controlling satellites from creating a man-made storm of epic proportions. At the same time, he and his estranged brother learn of a plot to assassinate the president,”
A movie revolving around a Geo Storm trying to get our hero to his office job sounds better than this movie.
“The mayor, Ron White, told ABC News”
“The mayor, Ron White, told ABC News”
“This is a list for boring-ass people who buy one car and drive it into the ground.”
The more you talk, the more you make sense. Please continue.
Fair point. Good Interventions 110 to 1.
No one mentions her poor, sad friend who has to follow her off the plane with all her stuff. She just had her trip ruined by her perpetual drama friend.
Something like this would make a great dog toy. They could rip the taun taun open and pull out the little people.
Yep it was all good until Ollie North got busted.....or do you mean Miami Vice?