
Same. This why I get so upset when people (usually republican men) say stupid things about rape and assault. I think “if only they knew all of the women in their lives who have been attacked.” But of course that is optimistic. Even if the women in their lives trusted them enough to tell them, the men would dismiss

Doctors only care when the check bounces.

Because when I type on my iphone it automatically places a period if I use a double space. Therefore, this is the correct approach. So sayth Job.

Which shows he had more integrity than either Obama or Kissinger.

I am curious, which Peace Prize winner has the most blood on his hands after winning the award? I assume Kissenger, but maybe Obama.

If you’re in Beaver, you’re on the way to Intercourse.

Now playing

Cant we just talk about Mrs. Slocum’s Pussy for a while?

I so wanted her to wear a white suit, shake his hand and somehow manage to smear an orange stain on her suit when she wipes her hand on it. There has to be a special effect that can do that.

Its sad. We’ve hit bottom and now I start drjnking. Isnt it sulposed to be ther other way arounf?


I thought the sexual arousal was not from murdering an innocent man, but from murdering mentally disabled innocent people. A Gov of Tx can go through a whole box of tissues just thinking about that.

He can always run for office. I heard NPR describe him as a sycophantic toady. He sounds perfect for Gov. of Texas

Lol. He made it this far. He has the crazy repub stuff under his boring sweater and is pretty good at hiding it.

Jeb!’s cousin Billy must have known. You’d think he would have mentioned it. Thanksgiving is going to be uncomfortable on the plantation this year.

I was thinking this. There is a better than not chance that Kasich or one of his ilk will be elected in 2020. Once Hillary gets elected it is unlikely she will get more popular. Anyone who is less repulsive than Trump will have a chance. If Kasich can keep from going of the rails for 4.5 years, the job will be his.

I was wondering what she did to get that job, then I realized she looks over 35. Trump wont “grab her” now.

Dump him. If you need to stay with him as a place to live or because you cant drive, then do so until you get that straightened out. If you cant rely on your SO in times of emergency, then they arent worth your time. The correct answer he should have given when you said your sister was in the hospital would be, “lets

Actually Billy is one of those Bushes. According to NPR he is “nephew and cousin to two former persidents”.

Someone needs to leak a video that has been doctored to make it look like Obama is saying things that Trmp really said. When Fox comes out to condem it it should be revealed to really be Trump quotes.

Speaking of Deplorables, now is HRC’s chance to say, “see, I told you his supporters were deplorable. Now anyone who still supports him really is one. All, 100% of his current supporters. Dont like it? Then come at me bro.”