
I have a feeling that will be on a lot of trucks next to the Stars and Bars.

I wanted to say that too. Im in ohio and he is a shit for a lot of reasons but endorsing Trump isnt one of them. Rancid Pubis even threatened that he wouldnt be allowed to run for president if he didnt endorse drump.

I always thought it was funny that Mittens the Mormon had had fewer wives than any of the other Republicans he was running against.

Even if he were dead (natual causes) he would still be the nominee. There is no way for him to step down at this point. If elected he could choose to resign, but he will still be on the ballots in November.

For profit, no different than human doctors

Its crazy. You can prove nearly anything with facts. :D

To be fair the last season destroyed our relationship with that show, like a SO who cheats on you so the have an excuse to breakup.

He has as much of an achillies heel as one of these (in orange). His whole candidacy defies known political logic. If he is a failure as a businessman, his followers will ignore it or Trump-etet as proof of his success.

This what i have been saying. Anyone with any minor knowledge of the tax code knows about carry forwards of losses. He isnt a genius (even if he really understood his taxes instead of just signing where his accountants tell him to). The big story is he lost a Billion dollars in the 90's. How did he manage that?!

Its almost like there may be an Grandaddy-daddy situation in the family. How old is he in relation to his sister?

Fun fact. The cry of the eagle you hear on Tv is actually a red-tailed hawk. Bald Eagles sound a lot like chickens.

And why was it only $700? Because no health insurance companies to inflate the price. When it was a cash system, if you couldnt afford it, neither could the hospital, so prices had to be reasonable.

FYI: Most if not all hosptials have a policy, sometimes written, sometimes not, where they will knock money off you bill, just for asking. Its usually called charity care or something and you dont have to be poor. Even if you have insurance you can get it. It doesnt hurt to ask. I once saw someone get 3% off their

Yahmule, you seeem more like a jackass

Mine is 6 yards old, so maybe it was one of the last ones?

Is she seeing anyone? Id really love to live with someone who not onky didnt make the house a mess, but actually cleans too.

“you have to be much more athletic then gen pop.”

Seriously! Most subways are in or next to a gas satation or strip mall. Where the hell was this subway that a jar of pickles couldnt be had? Its not like subway is known for their amazing pickles. They could even get pickles out of the giant jar on the counter at a gas station and slice them. Gah

Oh lord Jeebuz, I played that game for years on my Tandy. I thought it was awesome but mostly it was watching a square on a simulation of a sonar readout and looking for enemy squares to attack. There was a lot of strategy involved but it was not pretty.

I know right? And Kanye quit a show in the middle of it when he found out. Who would have thought he had parts of a decent human being in him. The world is full of suprises.