
Exactly. Satan is beautiful, charasmatic and intelligent. Im modest too.


Never cared about Dallas but if they got Will Farrel to star, Id watch it. For some reason I think he would be a perfect JR.

OK. GOOD TO KNOW. I did NOT study IT in depth. Even SO, the only NEWS here is THAT he lost nearly A billion dollars.

Anytime a cop sees a black person.

The reason a lot of Americans werent named in the Panama Papers is because we dont need an off shore tax shelter. Whe have Delaware. It is the same thing.

They are also conflating Trump and Trump Industries. No to defend the lout, but facts are what separare use from them. It could be thag the c-corp pays no takes due to a net operating loss carryforwad, tricks with revenue recognition, use of tax shelters and inflating expenses within the bounds of the law. Which is no

The sad thing is Johnson couldnt find the Earth on a globe.

It is apparently easier to leave the solar system than hit the sun, keep your options open.

By your standard the ACLU is racist and want to change laws to help white people, because they argue for the free speech rights of the Klan and skinheads. The fact is somepeople want to protect speech (not white people) espescially offensive speech in order to protect all of our rights from the encroachment rule by

I was wondering the same thing. I didnt watch the video so maybe I missed something, but being a racist asshole isnt against the law. Apparently it is qualification to run for president. I did see that he said he wanted to “provoke a response”, could that be considered to be inciting violence? I want to see what the

That used to be the republican stance on the government first trump-eted by Norquist. They have since modified it to

Oh good. Since I dont have any kids and am single, it is ok to be the mysoginist I am being sterotyped to be. Good thing bigotry only comes from white males or yoy might have a problem.

Get back on your turnip truck and go back to your trailer.

Nope. He “finished” alright.

I dont know why people keep asking me if I wash my legs.

I cant imagine having to put up with shit like that from my parents, id probably torch their car to show them the lesson I learned. Or take a dump in the air intake on the hood by the windshield.

$5 says Ron Howard.

Red headed Ron Howard?

That’s awesome. I read it in her voice too. I was reading the comments and was unhappy when Gross was accused of being unprepared, like her or not she is prepared, then i read this comment. She is over prepared. Now they need to do this on Family Guy and really over play it the way they love too. It could be a whole