
So you’re saying that we shouldn’t criticize a proponent of overpolicing at a time when it’s a major issue? If you’re willing to throw marginalized communities off the bus just so you can fail yet again with an establishment democrat, you can fuck off right now. The fact that AOC threatens you is super suspect.

I guess AOC is the only politician that shits unicorns and pisses rainbows then?

The last few Jezebel posts about Bernie Sanders have been about sexual misconduct allegations from staffers on his 2016 campaign; one of our posts noted how his response was remarkably tepid.

Were did the “Reporting on bad thing that my favored Dem candidate did = some dumb shit about Bernie and AOC” crowd come from and why won’t they please fuck off?

So, we should just elect whatever is “not Trump” without a critical evaluation of their policies?

What the fuck are you talking about. Jezebel didn’t get Trump elected, and I’m pretty sure most people who voted for Trump don’t even know what Jezebel is. 

Nobody’s gonna miss you when you’re out, I’ll promise you that...your blinders on the effects of these laws are pretty enormous. This isn’t a hit piece; it’s something that needs to be put out in the aether so that people can consider it before voting for this person.

Why are you spending so much time defending a cop?

Really? I feel like most hate Bernie around here, which I never really understood.  Like HATE for him and his supporters.  Nearly all of my black co-workers in Philly voted for him in the primary and Hillary in the general.  One woman who was the one that introduced me to this site no longer reads it because people

How is discussing policies that were at the forefront of her professional career “tearing apart?” Anyone with a concern about mass incarceration and criminal justice reform should be informed on this. She needs to address this with voters. I thought vetting was supposed to be a critical part of the process? Or is that

I’m deeply confused as to how you think the field is supposed to be narrowed down from 10 people to 1 if no one can say anything about any candidate.

We have 50 people running. She isn’t Neo from the Matrix.

Jesus fucking Christ, this isn’t about Bernie. This is about a sitting US senator and candidate for president who thinks throwing parents in jail is a good way to get kids to go to school.

Isn’t this literally what primary season is for? Vet the candidates now, among Democrats, so that the same questions don’t get asked or criticisms levied during the general election? If a candidate’s record can’t stand up to scrutiny, or if they can’t offer up sincere explanations for questionable actions at this

This is the point of “running.” We look at your record and vet you. This is part of her record, and thus we should examine it carefully.

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

“I love wrestling with my whole heart, without irony, but there is a lot about it that is very fucked up.” 

Come now. It’s important for people on the left to buy their legitimate criticism of the way things are with some bullshit whataboutism about the way things *might be* or *might have been* based mostly on the attack propaganda of the other side.

Here’s a for instance:
Socialized medicine has massive flaws, like, for

Unions have massive flaws, and it seems like they are inherently unable to prevent corruption at the highest levels

“I remember the quote,” Ventura recalled. “He said ‘Jesse Ventura may have spouted his mouth off about it one time,’ so they asked ‘How did you know?’ and without hesitation, he said ‘Hulk Hogan told me.’”