In places where women have easy low cost access to birth control, the abortion rates are quite low.
In places where women have easy low cost access to birth control, the abortion rates are quite low.
Great points!
Rape is under reported. Marital rape exists.
I’m glad they finally did this, and totally understand why they were hesitant to do so before. The anti-choice movement in the US has deep pockets, and as of today some prominent friends in the US government. I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point they start leaning hard on the DEA to try and stop this.
haha uh Facebook did not try hard. Cambridge Analytica’s ability to capture as much data as they did was a feature, not a bug.
Credit card companies have fraud prevention strategies and also mechanisms to resolve disputed charges at no cost to the cardholder.
People who are at risk of having their lives ruined by an unwanted pregnancy, or ended by an unsafe one, do NOT give a fuck about data theft. Priorities, girl.
Great stuff, again! Rebecca Gomperts needs a goddamn Nobel Peace Prize.
Awesome! I am a white. Jewish. mid-forties male. I have a wife, daughter, and two sisters. I have told my 16 year old that if she or ANY of her friends need Plan-B, I will go buy it for them, no questions asked. Let’s see the pharmacist’s head explode when I roll up with cash to pay for it. The fact that we are still…
Would you rather have data loss, or be trapped in an abusive relationship with your kids watching, or have an unwanted pregnancy, or be forced to carry your rapists child?
so would it be fair to say you just want people to have safer access to birth control? right, micheal?
This woman is a hero, and I hope more people hear about this so women can get the medication they need. This is the safest way to terminate a pregnancy (safer than Viagra!) and more women need access to this.
Here is the link
Yes, yes he is.
Probably, but I feel like it might need to be a federal law (I don’t know how much control states have over what you can get in the mail), and Senate Dems will block federal legislation. I could be wrong, but I’m not sure the government has much ability to block this.
According to the article - you receive the pills in the mail, not from your local pharmacy. Also aids in protecting your identity, I would imagine. Win, Win!!
Unless I misread the post, the pills are sent through the mail to the woman in need of them. No pharmacist needed.
A bit of background on Gomperts and her efforts:
Thank you, Rebecca Gomperts. You are doing god’s work.