
They can put that on a banner, and drop it the same night the Warriors drop their 2017-18 NBA CHAMPIONS banner, which hangs next to the one that says 73 WINS AND NO CHAMPIONSHIP.

I know the Deadspin folks aren’t into defense, but now seems like the right time to point out that defense matters in the playoffs. Curry might not be a great defender, but he is “a” defender. At least he tries. Harden does not even pretend to play defense. Zach Lowe did a statgasm about the series, and the recurring

Lomachenko got knocked down for the first time in his career. Linares caught him with a straight right to his facile area.

How many stars do I get?

I’m with you on the frou-frou gourmet shit, but McDonald’s? I suppose the easiest way to say this in 2018 is to point out that it’s Donald Trump’s favorite food, and thus is objectively awful.

You won’t be making that same snarky comment after Kerr unveils a new strategy for game 2 and puts the ball in McGee’s hands! On a related note, it ticks me off that Nick Young, possibly the worst player in the NBA, is going to get a ring. I said before the season that the Warriors added him to add to the degree of

You’d have to ask him.
I, however, am here to help those who don’t understand why Bill Clinton is invited places. Sadly, some people are beyond my means to help, however.

You lost me at “last refuge”. I don’t mention patriotism at all. If you’re going to condescend, at least climb on the right soapbox. Best of luck with your future comments. I’m done here.

But what you said was that “war heroes” is a “Contradiction in terms, perhaps”. That’s not the same thing. The colonists who fought the British, the Americans (and Soviets!) who fought the Nazis, the northerners who fought to end slavery, these are war heroes. Some things are worth fighting and dying for.

It would be

I have to be brutally honest here. I don’t expect that to happen. Never say never, I suppose, but let’s just say I won’t be waiting by the phone lulz. And by all means, the next time you have an opinion about one of my comments, scribble it on your wall on your wall in your own feces and post it to your Facebook page.

On another post, I pointed out that the players aren’t the problem here. Boston pantsed them with five guys they picked up in a 7/11 parking lot on the way to the arena. Brad Stevens simply humiliated Brett Brown. Zach Lowe explains the quite frankly absurd lengths the Sixers go to in order to limit players’ minutes

Plan A was Big Men with Bad Feet.

I fear my son will grow up without ever seeing the the Sixers in the Finals. He was born last week.

God Bless Dwyane Wade for crafting one of the most inexplicable HoF careers ever. A shooting guard who can’t shoot. Whodathunkit?

You could enjoy guys who aren’t jerks but have talent.

Teams will hire scouts to specifically look for floppers at AAU games. Apparel makers will sell shorts with padding in the butt, to cushion the fall. A new cologne will come out named after Harden, that you apply by spraying on someone else, then running into them.

I’ll go ahead and say it now.

I’ll go ahead and say it now.

I wonder what Ariana looks like after you chisel off the makeup. I would imagine she’s an attractive girl, and she’s not without talent. But hoo boy does she have bad taste in men. I live in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and that guy looks like a caricature of a sex tourist. Walk down one of the hostess bar streets and every

The one thing Singapore is known for is being the cleanest city on earth. They’re going to have to fumigate the place after Trump and his orcs leave.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. I’m standing right here. Sure, I’m vermin, but that’s no reason to draw me into a discussion about Dick Cheney.”