
Trump has just now realized that with the pardons he is above the law. With a snap of his fingers he can undo the whole legal infrastructure.

And yet Jefferson Beauregard has been one of the most loyal stormtroopers Making America White again. While the supposedly liberal media focuses on the “stupid shit Trump said” story du jour, ol’ Jeff is systematically rolling back 150 years of civil and human rights progress. I always feel the need to point out that

How will the Trumpanzees protest his campaign? They protested the WAR ON CHRISTMAS by buying his product so they could make the barista write JAYSUS on the cup. Are they going to vote for him so they can protest his inauguration?

I came here expecting a HOT TAKE and was pleasantly surprised. This is one of the best analyses I’ve read of what goes on in the pool of applesauce between Trump’s ears. The only notion I would take issue with is that the owners implemented the anthem policy to appease him. I think most of them eagerly went along

I will always remember during the campaign when he complained that America never wins anymore, and said that under his rule, there would so much winning. It was so brave and ethical for all those totally responsible and professional journalists to press him on the issue and say, “What does it mean for a country to

One Cleveland is more than enough.

Ahem. In the Mexican language, it’s known as el pizza. You’re welcome.

I’m oddly disappointed there are no “The Queen gets all the calls!” comments.

I think you just wrote the script to the next Purge movie.

I ate lemons as a kid. All I can say is GET THAT KID INTO THERAPY NOW.

Celebration of America? Is this a new national holiday? Oh, never mind. It’s just more fascist propaganda. Silly me. As if this day was about anything other than Trump.

He did not forget the words! That’s a filthy lie. He never KNEW the words, and you can’t FORGET them, if you never knew them! HA! Oh? What’s that you say? Why didn’t he just use a teleprompter? Because he can’t read! SUCK IT LIBTARDS!

In his mind, he IS America, so what he said is true, from a certain point of view. (Dear God, we’ve reached a point where I’m quoting Anakin Skywalker.)

“I forget his name, but I know he’s white.”

The smell of napalm in the morning.

You can kiss your dreams of being president goodbye.

When I was a journalism student, I took a course in ethics, and we talked about the changes over time in what was considered fair game. For instance, baseball beat writers used to travel with the teams on trains, and would not report on the more salacious bits because they were friends with the players. Everyone knew

Funny, I was just thinking how totally normal it is for the First Lady to completely disappear from public view for three weeks while her husband ghost-writes tweets for her.

And the colored folks kept their mouths shut, if they knew what was good for ‘em. Wasn’t America Great?!

Heh. As if he can read.