This is top shelf trolling.
This is top shelf trolling.
“la la la LA la la laaa”
— the fat lady
After years of failing against Pittsburgh, I can’t escape this gnawing feeling that the Caps are going to deliver their fans a wholly new form of heartbreak by losing a 3-1 lead against an expansion team.
I hope you’re not actually in Vegas. That would be quite a toss.
I could never play in the NBA. I can do whatever it is they are paying Perkins to to do, though. To any NBA teams who are reading this, if you are looking to pay a guy to not play and to not even bother to suit up, please give me a call.
You had me at “Kate Beckinsale”.
I love watching Durant play, but the Warriors were more fun without him, when Curry was the undisputed focus of the offense. There has been much gnashing of teeth and rending of garments over Golden State’s unfortunate new habit of running clear-outs for Durant, and I would say rightly so.
And the Cavs still kept it close. Had Steph not gone ballistic, who knows. ‘Member when the Celtics humiliated the Cavs in the first two games of their series, and then LeBron happened? This was, like, days ago, and people have already forgotten. On the one hand, the Warriors are a vastly better team and should win.…
If you check the history books, you’ll see the Cavs were down 3-1 to the 73-win Warriors and came back. Seriously, this was two years ago.
The Cavs should have won game 1. Curry went ballistic in game 2, and the Cavs kept it close. I will not count out LeBron until the buzzer sounds on Warriors win #4.
It’s de sade he doesn’t know that.
Men lose their rankings if they don’t play.
She is 2-2 this year, but please don’t let the facts get in the way of a racist rant.
There’s a word for someone who makes blanket statements about people based on their race.
I’m shocked. Rudy knows how to use a mobile phone? Oh, that’s right. Before becoming consigliere, he was in charge of the “the cyber”.
Sir, this is the Deadspin comments section. Reasonable, informed analysis is not welcome here. In the future, please simply tell us what is “butt” and what is “not butt”, and spice it up a little with a gif of a fan expelling bodily fluids in a public place. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Yep. Impeachment is not the magic bullet people desperately want to believe. What Trump has failed to grasp in his giant ego trip is that he could be more powerful if he leaves office. He would no longer have to pretend to go through the motions of doing the job. He would be on television MORE, taking potshots at the…
Put me back in the coma, please.
Thank you for saying what I was thinking. Dear Lord, there are Kardashian apologists out there. She is that most American of phenomena, someone famous for being famous.
Trump said he would meet with Kim. TAKE THAT LIBTARDS!! I thought the leader of North Korea was a man. And I thought they were going to talk about “the nuclear”. But what matters is he said he’d do it, and he did. SO MUCH WINNING.
Those tremors you feel are from everyone around the world rolling on the floor laughing.