
If you’re comparing him to Stevens, you’re actually making the argument he shouldn’t be fired. Stevens is already recognized as a savant. What he’s done this year isn’t coaching, it’s sorcery. Firing Casey because he’s not Stevens would be like cutting your best player because he’s not LeBron.

You say they should fire a coach for getting bounced from the playoffs by LeBron? I don’t care if Toronto had won 75 games this season, no one would have expected them to get past LBJ.

And has better taste in women.

Mooney and Pete Davidson manage to keep hanging around, but Donald Glover auditioned twice and didn’t make the cut. (Neither did Jim Carrey, way back when.)

Derrick Rose didn’t know a PG could have moves like that.

I’ll play along: What sketch should they have cut to make time for this one?

Well, yeah, if they do anal.

The Kobe reference is a low blow. Mitchell is just a kid. Don’t ruin him. A true Kobe line would be going 6-21 and then blaming it on your supporting cast.

In other news, we’ve always been at war with Eastasia.

First, you let the coaches stop wearing lanyards. Then, the women will want the right to vote. Next thing you know, you’ve got a guy trying to enter into a three-way marriage with a llama and a folding chair.

It must be painful to read about your replacement.

After looking at their record, it appears no one did.

Boy, is he going to be disappointed when he learns NBC doesn’t stand for “Not Bad Coffee”.

One of King’s most irritating quirks was the way he would talk about Dr. Z as if they were brothers in arms, as if what they were doing was in any way similar. Imagine Adam Sandler saying, “I was comparing notes with Daniel Day Lewis, and...” Zimmerman pointed out things that I would never notice as a casual fan, but

Nick Young is starting in the playoffs for the greatest team of all time. I enjoy watching the Warriors, even though Draymond is an a-hole, but Nick Young bugs me to no living end. Are the Warriors just trying to ramp up the degree of difficulty to impress the French judge?

Not only did the Warriors sweep a feisty

The Warriors would destroy the Bulls. I can’t believe this is even a discussion. In general, Hero Ball would stand no chance against today’s positionless teams. You can’t win starting players who are useless on one end of the floor, like Rodman and Cartwright.

Counterpoint: “I just hope our plane shows up” was a joke. 

Are you including esports? Because according to Deadspin, socially awkward teens sitting at computers 30 hours a day deserve to be discussed with Steph Curry and Mike Trout.

As the OP noted, he is preposterously overrated, so there are GMs who will say “The piece we need to put us over the top is a 60-year-old prima donna who scored 30 ppg during the Eisenhower Administration!”

I like how you mention that NBA players are vastly underpaid, and then note that Anthony is making $28 million.