
“He threw the ball in the general direction of the basket a lot, and watched opposing players do the same.”

Why would a World Cup in Africa be pointless? You can literally see Spain from Morocco, so it would be convenient for Europeans to travel. The guy who should win the Ballon d’Or is North African. I could go on, but my point is that having the World Cup in a Muslim, African nation would be appropriate at this point in

FIFA announced that the US will be awarded the World Cup if Trump can find Morocco on a world map.

I’m starting to think he doesn’t have a consistent worldview.

But he is a mafia heavy...

Fun fact: There’s no such thing as an unborn child. A child, by definition, has been born.

Bonus fun fact: The Bible says absolutely nothing about abortion. Those who object to the practice on religious grounds haven’t read the book by which they claim to live their lives.

I don’t think the analogy quite fits. Reek had a penis at one point. On Cruz’s home planet, he would mate by spewing spores from an opening in his carapace, located behind the third and fourth pairs of legs.. You can’t really cut that off.

White self-proclaimed Christians who own guns. Read the news, man...

Obviously he’s not well-versed in the laws of the land. Remind me again, what did he do to pay the bills?

Because you’re not a TRUE MURCAN PATRIOT. Duh.

They should stop the game every five seconds and review the tape to see what they missed. Then, everyone would be happy.

It’s not a call unless there’s a whistle.

How dare you respond to faux moral outrage with... facts.

With whom is the NBA conspiring?

It would have ended with LeBron winning the game.

He would have made shot. He’s LeBron James.

Anyone in Vegas? What’s the line on when he’s officially out of football and in the police blotter? He’s a talented guy and fun to watch, but he has maturity issues, so the worst franchise in the solar system is probably not the best fit.

I’ve had three surgeries on my spine and would not wish an injury on anyone, but it behooves me to point out he injured himself on a helmet-first, head-down tackle. I hope he recovers, but let’s not lionize the guy.

The NFL required him to tackle a guy helmet first, head down? I did not get the memo on that.

Money. Next question?