Thank God, the rich old white men are here to tackle sex trafficking! I’m sure their first priority is the safety of the women who are victimized.
Thank God, the rich old white men are here to tackle sex trafficking! I’m sure their first priority is the safety of the women who are victimized.
“solidarity” with May regarding the attempted murders and has ordered Russia to provide “unambiguous answers.”
But we need an army up there because we spend a lot of money up there. IT’S CALLED LOGIC, MORANS.
If the North Korea meeting happens, and I doubt it will, Trump will show up completely unprepared, say a bunch of stupid shit, and Kim will be able to go back and honestly tell his people he showed up the Leader of the Free World. What I think is missing from the discussion is that, while China just installed a…
I’ve been bringing this up on a regular basis. The media RUINED him because of the Dean Scream. That wouldn’t rank as the 1,000th worst thing Trump has done since I started writing this post.
perpetuate misleading facts
You can wager the eternal souls of your children that she does not know this. In her mind, all brown people are sucking off the government teat while TRUE MURCAN PATRIOTS like her work to support them.
If you gamble on it, how are the athletes exploited?
UMBC is a commuter school that’s part of the University of Maryland system. When I was at College Park we called it U Made a Bad Choice. I used to live a few miles from the campus. My roommate and I would go there to shoot baskets because, ironically enough, no one else ever used them. It’s a kick seeing them in the…
If they’re not in prison then how do Jefferson Beauregard and his klan make money?
We’ll always have 2002.... We should have had 2001 and 2003, but... dang it, you had to get me started.
I live in Cambodia and I have ladyboy friends. Sometimes you can tell... and sometimes you can’t. I’m sure you realize that “tranny” is insulting, and you used it ironically.
Yes, she is.
Are people biologically predisposed to root against the Raptors?
how often has LeBron beaten teams that were better than his?
I realize this is ancient history, but they did win the title two years ago against a historically great GS team. Last year they stole a game from the Warriors and he averaged a triple-double IN THE NBA FINALS. Then there was the year they stole two and…
I generally don’t read any of his tweets, but this one jumped out at me. Why is he slagging the Oscars? Yes, I realize that it was at least in part so he could brag about himself. (He says he was joking, but have you ever seen him laugh or smile spontaneously? I wonder if there’s a word for people who don’t feel…
But not covfefe :(
This is how to pay college athletes: Don’t. Pay the teachers, then maybe we can talk about the players.
In Walk Hard, Dewey’s wife wants a house made of candy. He tries to explain to her logically why he can’t. The joke is that the idea of a candy house is so patently absurd it shouldn’t need to be explained. Paying…
He’s lucky he doesn’t play for Houston, otherwise he would have been sent back in to play QB,
She needs to stop working with Francis Lawrence. I think she can pretty much pick and choose who she works with, so it’s a bit of headscratcher why she’d work with him again.