
I’m impressed by all the evidence and examples you use to support your thesis.

Obama did NOTHING about Russian meddling.

We need that wall more than ever. For the fourth time in five years, a Mexican director won an Oscar. The invasion has begun!

I read a story about a boost in sales of bulletproof shelters for classrooms. How did we get here?


Vlad isn’t terribly subtle.

suggesting that Trump knew about the hush money.

Trump had a fling with a porn star, who was paid off by Trump’s lawyer, without Trump’s knowledge? Is this the working theory right now? I’d like to propose a theory called Trump’s Hammer, sort of the opposite of Occam’s Razor. Given the choice between multiple

What I like about this move is how it looks totally not suspicious. These morons are so inept at hiding their guilt, which would be funny if the stakes weren’t so dire.

I’ve been overseas for nearly 10 years and I think I would rather swim and walk than use an American carrier again. The people who run these airlines need to the ones you mention to see what air travel is supposed to be. Other airlines I’ve liked are Iceland, Thai and Korean. For Middle East I’ve found Etihad, Qatar

That would be ideal, but ol’ Jefferson Beauregard would be happy in the late 1860s. Reconstruction, the birth of the KKK... good times.

Rudy falls to his knees every night and thanks the Almighty for 9/11. Without that, he’d just be another forgotten former mayor.

She looks pretty fit for a 70 y.o. woman. Rudy and Trump look like someone just opened the Ark of the Covenant.

‘Member when the supposedly LIBRUL RAGS made an issue of Clinton’s health and appearance during the campaign? Trump is the oldest president elect in history and only appears human by using the most generous of definitions. (To quote Benny Hill, “It must be a face. It’s got ears on it.”) Clinton looks pretty darned

On behalf of human beings, I resent being lumped together like this. Stone is subhuman, literally lower than human.

One of the Rocks. Kid or The.

I’ve had similar thoughts, which horrifies even me. Before the election, I said that even if Clinton won in a landslide, this would have been one of the darkest chapters in US history. Even I, cynical as I was, never expected it to get so bad I would start thinking, “Wouldn’t it great if the military seized power,

That would qualify as an assist, so no.

So Kobe is still getting accolades he doesn’t deserve?

If you want an Oscar, play a famous person, preferably in heavy makeup.

I’m guessing the short white guy got credited with the assist.