Why are we talking about this? Can we puh-LEEZE get back to talking with what’s wrong with America, which is all the poor brown people dragging down the economy.
Why are we talking about this? Can we puh-LEEZE get back to talking with what’s wrong with America, which is all the poor brown people dragging down the economy.
This in spectacularly bad taste, so I feel bad for chuckling. But no one will talk about Emmett till the next time this happens.
Agreed. And yet my first thought when I saw the headline was how sad it is that it’s considered news when a celebrity states a fact. “Bono says humans need to drink water to survive.” “Stephen King says whales are mammals.”
Don’t be silly. Those weapons are issued to Georgia residents at birth.
I absorb information about this show entirely through Monday morning blog posts and headlines.
This came up at lunch today. Nobody said they watch the show, nor do we know anyone who watches the show. I read the occasional blog post, obviously, but I remain baffled as to why this show is A Thing. I watched a couple of…
Allow me to point out yet again that the Second Amendment was absolutely not written to ensure the rights of private citizens to own guns.
“The White House said it has chosen to not comment until police have determined the race and nationality of the shooter and deceased.”
Soon the number of people killed in mass shootings will be in fine print in the back of the newspaper next to the lottery numbers and weather forecast.
Real or fake? Hard to tell with Frankensanders.
Why not both?
It means you’re on the wrong comment thread.
So true. This news organization was way ahead of the curve on this particular issue.
I know there are bigger issues at work here, but I think it’s necessary to point out that the *president did not write this, probably hasn’t read this and does not agree with the sentiments contained herein. How sad is it that someone has to publish because the *president is incapable? Given the suspect’s surname, my…
Midterms are this year. Vote for candidates who support gun control.
I am still on a crusade to turn “Second Amendment” into a verb so we can separate actual crime from MURCAN PATRIOTS exercising their constitutional rights. “Today in Florida, 17 students were Second Amendmented.” Folks, the gun debate is over. We lost. Sandy Hook was the moment to have “the conversation”. It didn’t…
Not gonna happen. Eric and Don Jr are to lions what circus peanuts and candy corn are to people.
Jeez, I thought I was saying it correctly. Turns out I was saying it wrang.
My favorite is the capital of Thailand, which is not Bangkok.
Heh. That’s never happened to me. I mean, maybe other guys have this problem but... ah, who am I kidding. I am so alone.