
I was a cub reporter at The Washington Times, where Podhoretz was given a job as an editor because his father is considered a conservative guru. Every time someone introduced him, it was “This is John Podhoretz, Norman’s son”. That was his only qualification. So we referred to him as John P. Normansson. He was shifted

That’s a great idea, if you want 8 more years of Trump. And I think you should be a little more specific, unless you’re jazzed about a Stein-Palin ticket.

Nunes is so flamboyantly corrupt he should be walking around with cartoon bags of money with ₽ printed on the side. He doesn’t even pretend he’s not on Putin’s payroll. 

Puh-leeze. Obama once wore a tan suit and puts dijon mustard on hamburgers. How, as a nation, did we survive that?

Get back to us when he’s 18.

What hasn’t been reported is that they’re going to replace Chief Wahoo with Apu from the Simpsons. Only about 2 billion people will be offended by that.

The DA of a small western town in a case involving football players... this sounds about right.

“Ahem. Skool of MURCA.”
— Betsy DeVos

Don’t forget the “locker room talk”. As we were torturing our classmates we would brag about all the girls we forcibly groped. Ah, memories...

This is outrageous! Who does Bezos think he is, an NFL team owner?

Which Koch brother are you?

He won’t even realized he’s changed teams. I mean, who can tell the difference between the cities of LA and Detroit?

Here we have a sportswriter admitting that Derek Jeter deserves to be in the Hall for one fluke play, much as Jack Morris got in for refusing to come out of a game once. They should just hand out ballots with Jeter’s name already marked, FFS.

What I loved about Thome was his totally not suspicious physique. I am amazed at how normal it is to have forearms like telephone poles.

This was clearly photoshopped by the DISHONEST MEDIA.


Yeah, this abstract notion of compassion for your fellow man and caring about the welfare of strangers is SOOO 20th century. He’s not on my team. If he dies, he dies.

And still laying helmet-first, head-down hits on each other because DERP DERP MAN’S GAME DERP DERP WARRIORS.

If you want to feel better, imagine those same fans booing him when he goes hitless for three straight games.

Whoa, you’re saying Stanton had to agree to go to the team everyone already knew he was going to? Of course he was going to the Yankees.