
Do you expect a website to have a copy editor?

Read the comments. It’s actually a WYTS redux. I’m a native Baltimoron. I am not a Ravens but I do feel personally embarrassed by them.

I know, right! If there are any teenagers we want to have irreparable brain damage, it’s the ones we’re sending into battle with multi-billion dollar weapons. You gotta play hurt, kid!

At this moment this has 47 stars too many.

Just spitballing here, but because this is a sports website? (BTW, a childhood friend was the first woman to finish first in her class at the Naval Academy.)

I could explain the structure of the brain and how it reacts to an impact, or I could eat this shoe. Does anyone have a knife?

I’ll bet you didn’t even post an American flag on Facebook for Memorial Day. How dare you impugn the integrity of veterans like Michael Flynn and John Kelly!

Slavery is a tradition that’s coming back into fashion. Are you saying that’s bad?!

Whoa. Shocker. Apparently I am a media person or a politician. I had no idea.

Heh. No.

No. It’s madness. It is a deliberate provocation. Reich wingers want a holy war. Merry Christmas.

Any suggestions for serving? I suggest an IV directly into the aorta.

Because it’s totally normal for 70 y.o. men to use all caps on social media.

Republicans are passionate about states’ rights, except when they aren’t.

I want to share your optimism, but I keep coming back to the fact that our electoral system has been completely compromised. I fear we are going to see some truly wacky results this year. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a Republican get more than 100 percent of the vote.

Nah, she went straight to work after marriage #4.

This milk is sour. I’ll put it back in the fridge. Maybe it will taste better next week.

He and the reich wingers want a Holy War. Islamic holy sites are one of the few subjects on which all Muslims can agree. Sunni and Shia Muslims hate each other more than they hate the West or even Jews, but this announcement will unite them against the US. It is a deliberate provocation.

Because he’s a poor brown person.

Do these strike you as people who would interfere in foreign elections, and install a stooge as leader? Nah... I’m sure this was a one-time mistake.