
Just a reminder that the President of the United States said this. It sounds like the drunken ramblings of someone who just got hit in the head with an axe, but no... What strikes me about this is how totally normal it is for an adult to speak like this.

Florida is a national punchline, but when I was a student at UF Floridians would half-joke that they wished they could give the panhandle to Alabama. Even Florida thinks Alabama is crazy and backwards. I’m sure the locals will be thrilled to have a coach with Taggart’s complexion.

It’s in the bottom half of most desirable coaching destinations in its own conference, in a state with no talent base. But sure, a return to the Tom Osborne days is right around the corner.

Tom Osborne retired and the millennium changed. Dinosaurs were terrifying too.

But if the reich wingers want to “stop” reading Sports Illustrated or Time, wouldn’t they have to learn to read first? You can’t stop juggling chainsaws unless you know how to juggle chainsaws already, right?

MURCAN athletes, which is to say American athletes who are white and don’t have funny names or accents. The rest will be rounded up at the airport before they fly to Korea and deported.

And if a chicken had lips... When Israelis talk about Palestinians they sound like the KKK, except they are voicing the majority opinion, not the views of a racist minority.

Yes, but they aren’t blindly loyal to Comrade Trumpski, so they’re useless.

Yes, and whose sister, in the most amazing coincidence, is Seccertarry of Skool Stuf. Let’s not forget noted traitor Oliver North. Jesus, it’s like a meeting of the American Assholes Association. Were John Wilkes Booth and Timothy McVeigh unavailable?

The reich wingers want a Holy War against Muslims. (The bad ones.) This move will seriously piss off our BFFs in Saudi Arabia AND the bad Muslims in Iran. This is nothing more than a deliberate provocation. It serves no other purpose, aside from giving Israel a diplomatic hand job.

“Did someone say teenage behavior? Count me in!”
— future Senator Roy Moore

There’s a word for people who make blanket statements about people because of their gender.

I am really not sure how FEMA expects to maintain a workforce in the future

You are working from a false assumption, that FEMA has any intention of maintaining a workforce. Poor people without electricity or drinking water? Fuck ‘em. Tax breaks for private jet owners? WE’RE NOT STOPPING UNTIL WE GET THIS DONE.

It’s the sound a reich winger makes when you ask him about gay marriage and he spits out his beer.

What trickles down trickles back up, apparently.

Check out the replies below. So much for a civil, informed discussion.

Yes, you have. And if not, I want to live where you are. I live in Cambodia and this song is inescapable. I was at a club Saturday night and the DJ played it twice in less than an hour.

The only way to make this gif more appropriate for our current predicament is to light the garbage on fire. I literally lol’ed. (LLOL?) Thanks, I needed this.

Norwegians would.

You’ll get nothing and like it!