
Yeah, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do this. It’s ok if it’s clear to the losing team that you are working on fundamentals and not showing them up. Another thing you can do is have your players switch positions. Have your shooter work on post ups and your rebounder work on ballhandling, for instance.

That’s normally the type of thing that would dominate a news cycle for weeks and dog a politician for the rest of his career. Now, with the constant torrent of outrages, it was out of the news cycle before I finished my morning coffee.

Which is worse, someone talking about their fantasy football team or CrossFit?

I played Aussie rules. The pitch is the size of three American football fields side by side. There is violence, but players don’t wear pads. Shots above the shouder are forbidden, period and, generally speaking, while the game is physical, generally players aren’t trying to injure each other.

Alabama and Clemson played two of the greatest CFB games of all times in the last two championships. The combined score of those two games is 76-75. Ohio State got absolutely sandblasted by Clemson. I’ll take the possibility of a third all-timer over the likelihood of another beatdown. (Disclaimer: Maryland alum, no

I think it’s time I had a talk with my kids
I’ll just tell ‘em what my daddy told me
You ain’t never gonna amount to nothin’

Faith No More, “RV”

He should take his punishment and shut up. Even his own coach says he was being a dick. The longer this drags out, the more it hurts the team.

Yep. I played Aussie Rules, where shots above the shoulders are forbidden period. (The same goes for rugby.) If you hit someone in the head, your own teammates will call you out. Because it’s a dirty and chickenshit thing to do.

I think James is saying that he can’t understand the suffering of humans, because he is not one of us. He is only visiting our planet, and will return to his homeworld and its race of superbeings when his body starts to fail in 30 years.

Richard Sherman graduated from Stanford, which is why the media hangs on his every word.

The easiest is Trumpese. It’s only got, like 200 words, has no grammar and is devoid of meaning.

It’s almost as if they’re two different sports!

I live in Cambodia, where the kleptocrat dictator is illegally selling the country’s sand to Taiwan and Singapore.

Thanks for making me feel young.

Judging by the few bits and pieces of his I’ve hate-watched from ESPN, it appears he’s going senile.

Your sources? A quick Google search shows these, for starters.

This is one of the primary arguments against paying players. It’s obscene to even consider such a bone dumb idea when the departments are losing money and professors can’t pay the rent. Balance the budget, pay the faculty a living wage and THEN maybe we can discuss paying players.

You libtards are too stupid to see his strategy. He’s a master communicator with his finger on the pulse of the voters. Obviously it’s part of a larger plan to get the FBI off his tail by... insulting them publicly... which presidents never do... and will only motivate them even further... wait... I had something for

They value loyalty to party over all things, and enjoy nothing more than the notion of sticking it to the libtards. As has been extensively documented, these people are willing to vote against their own interests, to vote for con artists who quite openly want to take them to the fucking cleaners, because in their

We have a representative government. Does Senator Turtle represent the views of the good people of Kentucky? You bet your ass he does.