
“Who is this ‘Rick Pitino’ of whom you speak?”

I don’t need to look at the list to know that this means I will still have to scroll past Stephen A’s bloated mug repeatedly on the website’s front page. In the end, SAS will be the only employee left.

But how could he have a pastor when he’s a Mooslem who wanted to force Shakira law on America, after he took all our guns?

Since the campaign I’ve been saying that Trump’s tweets are not news. Now it’s even more true. The DISHONEST MEDIA is doing him a huge favor by obsessing over his word soup and ignoring the actual government. There is some seriously fucked up shit going on in Congress! We should ignore what Trump is SAYING and

Listen to K-pop. All the makeup without the flutes. And it won’t make you, you know, like, think and stuff.

Why not both? I listen to different styles of music for different reasons.

Amen. Instead of poking fun at Bjork, go listen to K-pop instead.

In an alternate universe, they get their white utopia, and then have to split along other lines to explain their failures. I can’t get ahead because the folks with blue eyes are taking jobs from those of us with brown eyes!

Take your mind off things by reading about all the animals that will be extinct before she reaches high school, or all the places she’ll never visit because they’ll be underwater.

Hey everyone, we can start the party! Mr. Whataboutism is here!

She was recently fired from her “mortgage job” (whatever that is) so clearly it’s technical “mortgage job” lingo. Off the top of my head, I would guess that when you buy a house, you get a receipt, but if you decide you don’t want it and give it back, you’re given a deceipt.

Easy there. She was recently fired from a “mortgage job” (whatever that is) so clearly she has mad skillz.

I’m shocked, SHOCKED I say, to learn that someone who was recently fired from a “mortgage job” (whatever that is) is less than competent as scam artist. I went to college and earned a journalism degree while writing for the school paper and working as an intern at a newspaper. I didn’t say, “I sucked at my last job,

That video was produced by the same people who faked the moon landing. THEY’RE ALL IN ON IT.

I experience a similar sensation when I see people like Mulvaney speak. I can’t believe people like him actually exist. Sure, Trumpanzees fit the stereotypes of dumbfuck hillbillies, well-heeled racists, and so on, but how does a guy who is dumb as a bag of hams get appointed to two White House posts? How did he get

It’s as if someone ran a few dictionary pages through a shredder and then unsuccessfully tried to tape them back together again.

While I appreciate the joke, there is nothing in the Bible about abortion.

Great Trump/Clinton analogy. But I’m not McDermott.

If you win, no one gives a rat’s ass about your character.

I wish Tennessee had grown a pair and hired him anyway. Don’t let your fine institution get pushed around by a bunch of bleeding heart wusses. I went to Florida.