To borrow a timely line from A Charlie Brown Christmas, of all the internet comments in the word, this is the internet commentiest.
To borrow a timely line from A Charlie Brown Christmas, of all the internet comments in the word, this is the internet commentiest.
On a separate note, the sight of two men throwing punches while clad from head to toe in body armor is just fucking pathetic. They might as well be having a pillow fight.
Congrats for successfully putting impotent and highlight in the same sentence.
First team to 20 wins!
This should be getting a lot more love.
Neither is Nigeria, where a major attack happened this week that got zero press attention because ZOMG DID YOU SEE WHAT TRUMP TWEETED ABOUT THAT NFL PLAYER LULZ.
I would bite off the end my finger to see that.
The reason is simple. I was a cub reporter in Washington during this election and met Quayle three times. He really is as dumb as a bag of hams.
Yeah, it was tough coming to the realization that my parents just aren’t good people. And then trying to purge the negative traits I picked up from them. My sister is going through a horrible divorce and they are making it worse. I’m going back for Christmas. Ho Ho Ho...
I hear you. I work overseas. My parents don’t know which country I am in.
Now coming in at quarterback: Redfoot!
Joe Gibbs won Super Bowls with Mark Rypien, Joe Theismann and Doug Williams, arguably the three worst SB-winning quarterbacks, until the desiccated corpse of Poutin Peyton got credit for Denver’s win. If you have a great offensive line, it doesn’t matter who’s in the backfield. This is obvious to everyone except NFL…
George Soros is paying the refs to not call holding. Man, that guy writes a lot of checks!
Does he get to keep his salary? If so, I’d like to take his roster spot. I am willing to not play for half of what he’s making.
According to the NCAA he didn’t play at all in 2007—2008.
And he can reminisce about those games that officially didn’t happen.
I woke up expecting a normal day. Now I know I am the lowest form of life. Man, this day went downhill in a hurry... Ah well, at least Rose will be able to cherish his LeBron Voter Fatigue trophy.
The delusion of SEC fans never fails to entertain.
“Root hog or die!”