John Bigbooté

You’re right. This is the next phase in driving, so it has to be subject to incredible scrutiny. I feel like all these investigations into Tesla crashes are absolutely necessary, not to piss on Elon Musk, but to make sure we get out all the kinks and bugs before things really take off.

Over their mouth, so no sound can come out of there.

The answer is easy! Marvel needs their movies to introduce the world to Ulysses S. Archer— US1!

Can someone please submit a picture of a hipster truck driver? My mind isn’t getting beyond the bushy beard and waxed mustache.

Maybe not explicitly, but there are enough cars that only come in fun colours if you agree to pay an extra premium that not everyone can afford.

LakeQuest was taken. 

I’m not trying to make any argument, actually. Just stating that it’s kind of hypocritical to criticism one side for doing what the other has already done.

You’re right. The right has never, ever done anything like this! Not once ever!

She named her yacht Seaquest? Nerds everywhere just threw up their arms in disgust!

I think it only exists if you start the comment thread.

Don’t be dumb. This is a necessary update to Land Rover’s offerings as, prior to this, their cars were only permitted on Land, and not able to cross bridges.

Do you have any links? Please share.

Wait, we still have racism? But I thought Moonlight got an Oscar and all that race business was behind us!

When I read that post, I can’t help but pronounce the B. Dumb-bee.

What? You don’t like the taste of grapefruit-flavoured pine sap?

Don’t forget his appearance in Deadpool.

It is a sad fact that this stands as an above average example of Liefeld’s Captain America art.

I love that the overwhelming threat David Dunn faces, for most of the movie, is actually depression. A stifled marriage and menial job, memories of past football greatness— he’s a psychical powerhouse, and just this side of indestructible, but that doesn’t matter, because his head and his heart aren’t in sync.