Can I just chime in on the saying “leader of the free world” for a moment?
Can I just chime in on the saying “leader of the free world” for a moment?
Okay, stay with me here.
It is also legal to drive barefoot in Canada. In fact, the only reference I ever found to this situation was a British insurance company that did a study, where they found out that wearing flip-flops specifically can lead to problems of the footwear getting hooked on a pedal.
Tint or not tint, I’m picking my nose so hard behind the wheel (once I’ve come to a complete stop).
No need to thank me, ma’am. Just doing my job.
From the NY Post:
Surely, that kind of behaviour can’t be permissible on an aircraft.
“Seems” is the important qualifier, here.
Your post too long. Make shorter.
Well, actually... *slides glasses up nose* in the original comics, one of the characters is a watchmaker, and there are a number of pages where he and his watchmaker father argue about the coming obsolescence of watches (though, due to nuclear war, not smart watches).
I think it would look a lot better if that grille were 300% larger. Ideally, the whole front of the car, from the windshield to the bumper should all be grille.
On the subject of Baby driver, the Corridor Crew Youtube channel has a Stuntmen React series which did mention it!
Underseat Gang 4 Lyfe!
Ceci n’est pas une lune.
I’ve definitely started eyeing my kids suspiciously since I read this article. We went to Ukraine last year and ever since then, my 7-year-old daughter has racked up significant gambling debts.
I hate that newuniversal was dropped mid-story. I had heard that he lost his laptop with the scripts, or something.
Doom 2099 was solid for the first 30-odd issues. With only a couple duds, the whole story up until he conquers America is pretty good. Then they changed the creative team up and it fell apart. After that, it meanders to its eventual end.