John Bigbooté

That title GIF is driving me crazy. What is happening? Miles jumps up, stops in midair, THEN thwips his web at the floor behind his opponent, using it to pull himself into a kick. The fact he stops in the middle of a leap is just making a part of my nerd brain itch. I am willing to make a lot of concessions for

The platypus is what happens when the player has too many points to spend during character generation.

Amazon has NO CLUE what I did last summer, and if they are smart they won’t go around starting rumours. It’d be a shame for something terrible to happen to someone who flapped their mouth too much.

Daft Punk street bike Spider-Man may not be to everyone’s tastes.

Hey! Speculative trading and money laundering, thank you very much!

Can I just chime in on the saying “leader of the free world” for a moment?

Slipknot: He climbs real goo-BOOMS!

For shame! Acting like Marvel’s Grieving Gay Man isn’t one of the biggest heroes on screen.

I mean, if we were holding the show to any semblance of physics consistency, a shield which mostly absorbs vibration wouldn’t embed into a tree in the first place.

This robot Spidey is sure to turn off the dark!

Hey! That’s His Royal Highness, King Sam the Shitheel to you!

Ooh! I hadn’t ever thought of playing with my balls in soy sauce. Thanks for the new idea, Whitney!

I ship BloodDick!

Okay, stay with me here.

From Welcome to Night Vale:

It is also legal to drive barefoot in Canada. In fact, the only reference I ever found to this situation was a British insurance company that did a study, where they found out that wearing flip-flops specifically can lead to problems of the footwear getting hooked on a pedal.

Out of curiosity, has anyone else ever read the comic book Walk-In by Dave Stewart (of The Eurythmics)? I mention it because it is a miniseries about transdimensional psychics hopping into our bodies in our world by means of telepathic fish.

Hey, speaking of Gwendoline Christie: does Phasma show up and die again in this one?

Goddammit! Who let 8-year-old you write a fucking screenplay?!