John Bigbooté

Fuck silently? And then yell at her?

I thought the same thing, then I read this article. It is about Canada, but also goes on the cover the US of A.

Fair enough. I wont argue.

Please don’t misinterpret. I’ve looked at myself and my past, and remain confident I’ve never raped anyone.

If anything, #allmen have the responsibility to be better and speak out against misogyny.

Now playing

My daughters are 6 and 3, and all three of them know they are the boss of their own body.

I’d say the majority of men do know better; it’s the minority of men who are committing these offences. Still, having a culturally-reinforced message sent to men is necessary to change the course of society.

I have one son and two girls. He’s only 8, but I have already pointed out to him that most girls will have a harder go of life, just because they’re girls. Here’s hoping he’s the next step up from where I came from.

I just had a discussion with a co-worker, regarding this video. What struck me, for different reasons than one might suspect, is the erroneous discussion on rape. A man might appear and drag you into the bushes. It’s typically a false assumption, but it’s instilled as a fear in girls.

All victories on the way to winning the final battle are worthy of celebration.

I’m very sorry you had to go through that and hope you’re feeling stronger now.

Only $1.59 an hour!

I can sell you a tire tread depth measuring penny for $2.

“Hey, I think that’s actually a man!”

Yeah, I’m sure it’ll lack the rational, science-based approach of the movies.

Typical racism against us Noseless Americans!

You still need to put on your own mask before aiding an infant. If you don’t you may pass out and you will not be in any condition to help your child. If there is another mask, you put it on her next.

There are some valid reasons why movie studios turned to pulp-era heros in the early ‘90s when adapting comics. Keep in mind that Tim Burton had shown them the art deco style could earn money and that comics movies could be big hits. They then turned to the comics of the day.

The exact moment I became old was the time I was given a spice rack for Christmas, pre-filled with 20 different spices, and I was stoked!

This looks like it came from the set of Megaforce.