If it weren’t vegetarian, they wouldn’t call it “tossing salad”.
If it weren’t vegetarian, they wouldn’t call it “tossing salad”.
Maybe he’s just very into buttalingus and he’s worried about performing the act on his beloved on a Friday during Lent.
oh fuck right off
Nobody called it. He’s ready for the NBA!
moar like obscureshakespearereference amirite
Moderately surprised he didn’t trot out some holocaust survivors to say they were fine with the slogan.
“thus with a kiss off the glass, I die”
If you can criticize LGBTQ people and feminists, then we can criticize your stupidass Christianity. Sit down.
The American Taliban of the right wing evangelical cult is a threat to humanity.
Not every religious person is a nutjob
It’s almost like they are snowflakes who need safe spaces.
One can say that Richie (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■), went private....
You’d think that there would be a spike in interest...
Counterpoint: shut the fuck up. The Republicans controlled both chambers for two years. It’s this important now? More important than paying TSA and Coast Guard employees, who are also part of border security?
He makes Lionel Hutz look like Jack McCoy.
what about Superb Owl?
what about Superb Owl?