did you know that song was, itself, a cover?
did you know that song was, itself, a cover?
nice shake-weight-ing you’re doing there. you must be really strong at the internetz!
i think you are supposed to dislike her this much now. i think they are setting up a story line of jon falling in love with his aunt and then having to kill her before she goes full Aerys. it ties into the prince that was promised mythology the melisandre and her people are all about.
potentially stupid question, since i don’t give a shit about college football... but couldn’t he just not enter the draft and sign as an undrafted free agent instead?
i am waiting for it to totally invert and just be a black silhouette of the man on a burnt red background
for the love of god, just split the bill evenly. i say this as a non-drinker who has had the inadvertantly subsidize the group’s lush friend’s 7 martini dinner. if particular people take advantage of this, don’t go out to dinner with them.
anyone who refers to 3" of snow as a “quarter foot” knows nothing about surviving the winter. /lifelong new englander
Yup. I have spent my entire life within 20 miles of Boston. Love it here and will definitely spend the rest of my life here. St Patricks day is the one day a year that i know I will hate this area. KHED, ITS JUST LIKE THE FAHKING DEPAHHTED!!
double fuck this day if you’re within an hour of Boston. its the pinnacle of the year for plastic paddies who spawned from mildew wearing a kelly green plastic bowler hat, dropkick murphy’s shirt and holding a half empty bottle of jameson
so, will the lifetime true-crime movie about this story be called “the secret world of allison mack”? or will nickelodeon block that?
AJ McCarron named his kid “Cash”?!?
Tommy Boy is great and probably affects me more than it should (thanks a lot, unresolved dead dad issues!)
those pepper smoking videos are pure fucking gold.
do you think we remember that off the strength of the song or for how smoking hot she was?
in Buffalo, that is when you trade your kiko alonso jersey for a blowjob!
Am I alone in being amazed when the authors of these emails use the correct spellings of “there/their/they’re”, “where/were/we’re” and “you’re/ your” in their letters?
I want a Rainier Wolfcastle comedy set. It will cost 80 million to produce.
i know there was smoke before hand, but Hannibal Burress really poured gas on the Cosby shit, so don’t downplay the power of a comedian to speak the truth in a routine.
if i’m shocked by anything here, it is that the lawsuit didn’t outlive Emily Rata’s career.