HOT TAKE! BBQ sauce sucks and people who eat it hate themselves
Don’t forget Mac & Me!
Missing Innumerable Forms - Punishment in Flesh on this. Easily the best death metal release I’ve heard in years.
Oh, please don’t get me wrong. I loved Kevin Faulk on the Patriots. He (and Troy Brown) set the mold for unheralded dependability for the Pats. Faulk always had a knack for huge plays at the perfect moment.
don’t forget about his 37 yards on six receptions
we binged Dexter before the last season aired, so we had less time to reflect on how bad the later seasons were.
or maybe it would reinforce it? (one can hope)
The finale of dexter was the only time i’ve considered throwing my remote in anger. i actually started to and held up before releasing it. the last season sucked, but the ending was the biggest fuck you i’ve ever seen a show give its audience. it was unconscionably bad.
**Incoming old man yelling at the clouds comment**
Austin is legitimately amazing for ~72 hours. any more than that and you’ll be begging to leave.
aka something the donald has never encountered in an intimate context.
Or brave enough to go to a cemetery in the rain. its so WET AND SPOOKY!
CIA Officer: We’ll... interface with the FBI on this dead body.
yeah, and while i’m not calling for coaches to run their players to death, the lions stink and whatever they have been doing for the past few decades hasn’t been working. practicing in adverse conditions isn’t really a crazy idea.
This reminds me of the greatest moment in boston sports talk radio history:
Brick, I thought you were supposed to be laying low? i know you have an IQ of 48, but c’mon!
i appreciate this song for one non musical reason: it is what i imagine cocaine feels like. too much energy and confidence, and ultimately very disappointing and expensive/regrettable.
lats are more engaged on the incline press than the flat bench because of the angle of engagement of the shoulders being naturally pushed down and back under the weight of the bar. on a flat bench they are just pushed back, but not down (scapula towards the butt) unless you intentionally engage them to do so. having a…
benching ‘flat’ makes it nearly impossible to engage your lats, which in turn stabilize your shoulders and causes the risk of rotator cuff injuries to increase.