
i want to see Kap on the raiders, in vegas, more than i can possible describe. it would cause more trump-humper coronary events than the heart attack grill.

he definitely thought it was a good idea to sleep with the girl who stole LT’s car, he was halfway to Aaron Hernandez at that point. shit, he got locked up a few years later under the alias paul crewe!

the backfield is much improved, that i’ll concede, but it took edelman coming off suspension and adding josh gordon for defenses to be forced to spread their resources, giving more opportunities for everyone to flourish. 

LOL. and the minor subprime tranches of mortgage loan pools didn’t have the ability to sink the housing market in 2008, right? if china sells their 5% stake in US debt for pennies on the dollar, it will have set off a major economic downturn. 

US t-bonds are considered the global gold standard, but much of our debt is held abroad, but China and Japan each own about 5% of it, and could move the market considerably should they decide to sell out, which would cause a bit of a domino effect. additionally, we risk have our debt downgraded with the wild deficit

it is. i live in MA, but won 10 bucks off a powerball ticket i bought in Minnesota while on vacation. i couldn’t get the winnings from a MA lottery location, so i ended up pitching the ticket. 

you take the lump sum and invest because tax policy is ever changing and the top line income tax rate in 20 years could be something much different than it is now for the top income brackets. so the ~39% you pay now for the lump could be something like sweden’s 61%, annually on the annuity payment, in 20 years.

people who prefer wendys over mcdonalds should be brought before HUAC. 

hot take from a far left libtard from the great state of Tax-achusetts: Elizabeth Warren sucks ass. To borrow a phrase from Don Rickles, she has the personality of a dead moth and falls for troll bait. I agree with most of her policies, but wish she wouldn’t make such an idiotic spectacle of herself in attempting to

Get a load of the big brain on Brett!

are you against room temperature pies as well? like ricotta pie, that shit is eating cold or at room temp. only a monster would heat it up, and only satan dislikes ricotta pie. so either you’re sane, a monster or satan. choose wisely. 

agreed. they disolve in your mouth and if you actually want to feel like you ate something, you need to take down like 6 and then you feel like absolute shit. 

managers? i thought it was the players and the reporters? jenny dell + middlebrooks, heidi watney and varitek and then nick green


obviously the real problem is that he needs to start dating oliva munn again. she was the key to their whole offense

My grandfather’s first name’s spelling got switched from the Italian Giulio to the Spanish Julio when he came through immigration in Boston, and he had lots of people speak Spanish to him and pronounce his first name with a soft J sound instead of a hard one. Needless to say, for someone so irrational that he

re: brett cavanaugh —

simple: he is what dumb people think a smart, successful person looks like.