
i realize he is an easy target because he has the personality of Lurch at the podium, but honestly, who gives a shit if he’s fun to be coached by if you’re winning constantly? I mean, yeah, it’d be nice, but he’s afforded himself the luxury of being a tyrant by being exceptionally good at coaching football.

My mom’s boyfriend sat next to him on a flight a few years back and said he was quite personable, but steered all conversation away from football. he kept the sports talk to lacrosse.

honestly, its a lukewarm take at best. he has good timing, but his material is as daring as family circus.

last i checked, FOOTBAW was played in America, not Geneva.

if he hadn’t been updated in 10 years, it would be a stretch to think the tracking software they had in him was either terribly outdated or altogether broken.

probably. in all honesty, though, his shows were excellent and showed the world through an incredible way. definitely worth checking out. just don’t start with the episode featured in this article.

struggling to argue with this and realizing you’re right. Bobby, why have you forsaken us?!?!

Instant karma does exist! Fuck everyone in this video EXCEPT for the cop laughing at his dumbass compatriots getting owned and the alligator.

i forgot the volcanos that are triggered by earthquakes:

counterpoints: earthquakes, droughts, wildfires, mudslides, kardashians...


when i was in 7th grade this kid i didn’t actually like came over to my house after school. we were playing basketball in my parent’s pool with one of those stupid mini-hoops on the pool deck, and he talked some smack. so on my next possession i ‘accidentally’ elbowed him in the face so bad that his nose more or less

Sorry to hear about your cousin. My father had ALS, took a little over three years to claim him. He was an extremely gifted carpenter - watching him lose the use of his hands and waste away was the hardest thing i’ve ever had to endure. ALS is a cruel illness, and its something I would never wish on anyone.

that is fair to say.

not coming to this dude’s defense here, but i know a lot of tattoo artists and i doubt a single one of them would cover over racist tattoos mainly for the “you were dumb enough to get them, you have to deal with the consequences” as the mentality behind it. similarly, none of them would ever put a racist tattoo on

earl weaver is rolling in his grave

chandler is great and all, but can we sub in his brother Jon? he probably can be more effective in a ring, and we all know that jerry jones’ racist ass wouldn’t notice the differences between the two men.

i dunno, that looked like a flop to me.

semi related: how great was it when the crowd at the garden chanted “UGLY SISTER” at Lamar Odom in 2008?

do they actually have any free weights to throw at Planet Fatness?