
McAdoo is a finalist for the Wade Phillips Cup, the trophy given out to the NFL coach who looks the most like the assistant manager of a tire store.

Here, hold my gun. It’s been used to kill four people.

You mean Ray Allen’s wife should skip town to chase another ring???

Exactly. And, he’d deserve it.

He Don’t Got Game.

I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.

Still and forever will be the much better Papa with much better ingredients and much better pizza and no forced idiotic banana peppers required

Now playing

I don’t remember what prompted me to do this, but I looked up that video and the second one that got made last night and they were even better than I remembered. The second one is even better, IMO.

Their biggest export is crippling depression, so this picture is really just advertising.


I bet Mookie would have gone undefeated in tic-tac-toe contest against Bob Gibson’s daughter, too.

Viewers knew Betts didn’t really belong there because he was the only bowler healthy enough to tuck in his shirt.

The walk away while the ball is still rolling is the bat flip of the bowling world.

“Competition lifts require just that you make it to the top position. All powerlifters drop it at the top of the lift in competition.”

It’s called “elastic.”

Lauren has a very high HAR (Hate-mail Above Replacement). I wonder who has the highest? Drew probably because of all the WYTS articles, Marchman would be up there with his garbage takes but he doesn’t write enough.


Also teach your kids not to go running to an unknown dog with arms flying and making loud noises. Dogs don’t always know how to interpret these gestures.