Katie Nolan is a national treasure.
Katie Nolan is a national treasure.
you and i disagree on steak sauces, but if you have to have one, it better be marrow butter or some other type of compound butter.
hopefully his shitty son won’t blind a vietnamese man while yelling racial slurs at him like his old man did... but it sounds like he is a chip off the ol’ block.
CTRL+F: Mother! - not found
hurling is a pretty common thing to see in some areas of boston. you walk by any field in Brighton on the weekend and you’ll see large groups of genuine irish people playing either hurling or rugby. don’t let the plastic paddies in Southie and Dorchester (looking at you, racist assaulter Mark Wahlberg) give you the…
this is the worst take yet. jet blue has nice planes, comfortable seats, and aren’t total dicks when there are delays. i literally cannot say that for any other major airline in the US.
victor cruz wants royalties on this.
jesus, this is proof that there is a “punchable face” gene. look at these fucking dickheads:
i can’t wait for the eagles to lose to the patriots in the super bowl. it’ll be great.
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did he at least get a gift basket?
Good optics for Ford, suing a guy who is essentially a saint!
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its pretty hard to deadlift properly when you’re a spineless twerp.
also, please teach your kids to listen to adults when they deny the request to pet your dog.