
+1 Wide Right

It’s interesting that Buffalo’s kicker is so left leaning in his beliefs, considering their most famous kicker is best known for how far right he is.

Can’t stop watching this.

I have some words of advice to give to the horse. In times like this, look to the words of the wise prophet Soulja Boy and “Superman that hoe”.

Only someone associated with the Jets would try to beat a live horse.

I hope so. Taxis need to lose out. It’s an outdated business model that’s not good for the consumer.

When I was 10 I clogged the employee toilet at OshKosh B’Gosh. I wasn’t running or anything, I just like telling that story. Poop got on the floor.

Like a Boss!

Nah, Putin will let this play out. It works in his favor. He obviously is not getting the goodies he wanted, and Trump has proved an incredibly poor vessel to promote his goals. Therefore, his secondary goal is to weaken the US in particular and democracy in general. How better to do that than to let it come out

I fondly remember my first upper decker, too.

for very active people, the general rule is 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, then you can deduct that from the forecasted caloric rate and roughly divide the fats and carbs. there are nuances, more fats to help stay lean, more carbs for endurance athletes, etc. i do a fat guy sport (powerlifting) so i’m

“fritos are bad” might be the worst take of all fucking time. the person who wrote that is either pure evil or the dumbest person this side of trump. not even vegans can shit talk fritos, and they try to ruin everything!

too bad they were heading to the overlook hotel where her life would most certainly be ended shortly by the lady in room 213

Looks like both boxers should’ve been using protection.


I imagine Pop Bill and Saban have a yearly golf trip where the discuss how to circumvent restrictions placed on them.

I was gonna give you a star, but you’re at 69 right now, and I don’t want to make Gronk sad.

competitive powerlifter and deadspinner here — anyone who is serious about the sport knows how impressive this is. i weigh 2.5x what she does, and while my numbers are higher, her weight:strength ratio destroys mine, and its not even close.