
do you only order well done steak? do you think ketchup is an acceptable sauce for pasta?

false, Portland is the s/c capital. that is by capita, not necessarily quality. doesn’t matter, they’re all trounced by montreal and vegas for quality.

its a good thing i read this while my colleagues were at lunch, otherwise i’d have to explain why nearly fell out of my chair laughing. Anthony Bourdain is the both the hero we need AND the hero we deserve.

Ciara will be interested to see if he can pump fake more than once before throwing.

he is from a blue collar town in Massachusetts, so i’m guessing he leans left.

for a variety of reasons, i’ve never drank or done drugs, and throughout college and my 20's people were either blown away or offended by it. around 28/29 it most people who reacted were offended, like it was a personal affront to them and their drinking. at that point i realized that, a) i’m not the problem, b) their

hey yoenis, give antoine walker a call, he’ll give you some tips on how to go broke faster!

how is ted cruz a 5 for appearance? he looks like a fat thumb with a face drawn on it.

hbo is footing the bill in their attempt to branch out to the interwebs. see also: hbo’s partnership with Vice


“ugly sister” - one of Boston’s finest moments.

Good ol’ Roger has too many witch hunts on his hand (Brady appeal, Peyton’s hgh rumors as he rides into the sunset) to focus on something legitimate like another player attempting to decapitate another intentionally.

they have lost some steam, but TB12 threatening McDaniels over an outstanding loan from the first one breaks me every time i see it.

bring back the Beacon Tavern!

Now playing

Is chandler jones the beastie boys’ manager?

error in this. the panthers went 14-2.

with brilliant logic like that, he should’ve named his kid Isaac