
Man, I wish I meant that kind of bad-ass caretaking, which I would totally see as a vocation!! Alas, no...the sort of helping people of which my work life has consisted is not so noble.

Editing FTW!!!!

This has given me the thinks:

All of the House, 1/3 of the Senate.

All of the stars in all of the skies to you, Kelly. Except that god damn christmas star. Fuck that star.

amen to that.

Why is it that having no experience seems to be such a draw to the GOP voting base when prior experience is a requirement for pretty much every other job on the planet???


HA!!! All the stars for that one :)

I think winery compliance would make me rage-stroke about fifty billion times a day because of the stupidity of direct-ship laws (I live in MD, and it took I can’t even remember how many tries it took to get a damn direct shipping law through our General Assembly!) — still, it sounds like an interesting job!

If they don’t want “lightening” rounds, can we have some “enlightening” rounds?

OK, I’ll grant you Bernie. :)

“My opponent has sent out negative and false attack (materials,)

I find these images...disturbing.

I seriously can’t stop giggling at this


Ooh, ooh, now I have to do some math (UGH, MATH AMIRITE??) and figure out my new best tri time :)

Because we, as a general populace, pay little to no attention to what our elected officials are doing except at election time.

yeah, I read that and had a total “huh?” moment. Had to re-read the sentence like three times before I realized it actually said what it said.

And I say, for the second time today: sweet baby jesus on ice skates.