
sweet baby jesus on ice skates.

Having my dominant arm out of commission (rotator cuff repair last week) means no cooking for me!! But the night before my surgery I made a super tasty cauliflower-cheddar soup that was inhaled by all at the table. Mmmmmmmm :)

A sad truth. But if it is also true that this travel is paid, as another commenter suggested, out of campaign funds, well, then, I temper my outrage a bit.

Yes, understood. But traveling home every weekend (when he already goes home often enough otherwise to do just what you are saying, which is his damn job) just to hang out with his family should be done on his own dime, particularly if he’s going to be outspoken against the notion of paid parental leave.

I assume his flights home every weekend are coming out of taxpayer funds? How does this shit get allowed???

Hahahaha, baseball pitcher :)

The very first time I did a brick (bike-then-run) I thought I was going to die. Definitely something to work slowly towards — but the feeling of accomplishment in the end is SO worth it!! The picture I have of myself crossing the finish line of my first tri, when I’ve just given the race director a high-five, is

I have a friend who feels the same way you do — no swimming for her!! She’s done a couple duathlons though and liked the experience (and yes, it’s run-bike-run).

I have done many smaller tris, my plan was to increase the length of various kinds of race distances (sprint tri, half marathon, olympic tri, marathon, bike century, half iron, iron, there were some others in there too but I forget the plan now) with each successive year until I hit the year of the big 50. Now it’s my

The next 5 weeks (time remaining in this motherfucking sling, BURN IT BURN THEM ALL) cannot pass fast enough; the 6+ weeks after that (approximate time until I can get in the pool again) can also not pass fast enough. Stupid shoulder :/

Also, kudos to you for doing the whole half!! I did the swim leg of one some years back and loved every second of the 45 minutes I was in the water...but I don’t know that I could have gone on and done more once I got out!!

I had this grand plan that I was going to do an Ironman the year I turn 50...that is, for a host of various reasons, SO not going to happen. It makes me a little bit sad that I probably won’t ever do it, but at the same time I think about the 17 hours it would take (‘cause it would take me the whole 17 hours allotted)

As soon as I am healed up from this bullshit rotator cuff repair surgery (ROTATOR CUFF REPAIRS ARE BULLSHIT AND SHOULDER SURGERY SUCKS ASS) the very first thing I am doing is going to the pool!! Man I miss swimming :(

Right??!!? For fuck’s sake, did he break anything when he contradicted himself so hard in this single phrase?

Albert, I love you.

Oh, no way!! Swim is my favorite! (Seriously, I would do a tri in reverse if I the best for last!! Although now that I think about it, trying to get in a wetsuit after running and biking might not be the most fun thing ever...)

i like the ones going IN the water — in the crowd (not that it’s really a crowd, smallest field I’ve ever been part of!), you can’t tell it’s me, for one thing... :)

My brother-in-law escaped arrest for drunken canoeing merely by virtue of the fact that he was in the front of the canoe...his companion, who was in the back, was in fact arrested.

I have something really profound to say about the disconnect between retail as an insitution (one that I was part of for almost 20 years and may be re-entering in the near future) and the sales that coincide with various holidays...but I doubt the sweet post-shoulder-surgery drugs I’m on will let me articulate it

See, these kinds of reports make me wonder if I was doing something wrong...’cause I never had any of these sorts of problems when I was a runner!