In college a teammate of mine, who also happens to be one of my oldest friends, was accused of raping a girl. He was thrown off the team and kicked out of school. He faced severe repercussions. Except he never raped her.
In college a teammate of mine, who also happens to be one of my oldest friends, was accused of raping a girl. He was thrown off the team and kicked out of school. He faced severe repercussions. Except he never raped her.
Hey telephones are a proud, courageous people who were here a long time before the internet took their land. We should celebrate them by misconstruing what words mean.
If he gave it to her, it would erase all the equal rights progress Jezebel is making. Good for him!
She better start flashing some boob if she wants that football. It's New Orleans, puss.
The snowball scene gets me every time because he rears back like Nolan Ryan and cranks a heater to her face from three feet away!
I feel like Jim Carrey in the Big Gulps scene whenever my comments don't get starred.
Oh jeez, not this shit again. The Paterno case was a wonderful opportunity for internet warriors to declare from their couches how they CLEARLY would have done everything right if they were in Joe Paterno's shoes. If any of you people initiated having a close acquaintance arrested and thrown in jail for life, or…
I was literally drinking a Coke when I clicked on this article. Somehow these miscreants not wanting me to drink it makes it taste better.
Oh Jesus that IS a woman. My bad!
I read that wrong at first, and I was like "Dammit, we should require that they go on TV hammered, I don't care if it's CNN or the goddamn McLaughlin Group!"
How Cub like would it be if Renteria wins the WS before the Cubs do?
One problem...none of those words, whether they be called racial slurs or epithets, is banned on television, and the FCC has expressly said that it will not ban or regulate the use of racial slurs/epithets (including the N word) over the airwaves. The ad is powerful, but blatantly dishonest.
I would like to express my displeasure with the vertical nature of this video.
Level head: "Harris's defense lawyer...released a detailed statement that did everything but flat-out say the accuser was at fault for whatever happened to her."
Holy fucking crap, Diana. I'm as liberal as they come and I generally assume accused rapists are most likely guilty, but your treatment of this is unbelievably fucked up and biased. This is just absurd and irresponsible. I'm actually kind of disgusted. How can you guys excuse this sort of shit? Fox News could learn a…
I've committed felonies with my two best friends. I would lie, die, and kill for each of them. We're our children's godparents. We vacation together like we were in Goodfellas. We've been friends for more than 30 years. The last time we tried to share a pizza - October 1986 watching Mets/Red Sox - it ended up in a…
It's a dumb rule, but still the correct call:
So she quit her job in an unprofessional, narcissistic manner and now we're supposed to sympathize with her cause?
"David DeJesus wept." - Juan 11:35