
The King’s Speech is a historical film telling the story of real life people. Casting a black actor to be King George wouldn’t exactly lend the film credibility.

It really shouldn’t be hard for Hollywood productions to simply hire a broad range of people, and yet, it is.”

Rock Hudson movies wouldn’t count. Including that movie because of his sexual orientation would require outing him, which would be seen as a violation of his privacy. These discussions are fun!

Anna Merlan still hasn’t apologized for her takedown piece on this very site of the people who rightly questioned the Rolling Stone rape farce. Nick Denton still hasn’t apologized for, well, anything, and the list of transgressions is lengthy. TMZ is trash but Gawker Stalker made it look like the damn New York Times.

After watching a TV show about these I asked my mom how they found out when I was born in 1982. Her answer didn’t disappoint. “You were born and the doctor told us what you were.” I asked why they didn’t know ahead of time and she said she didn’t even have an ultrasound the whole pregnancy because her doctor said

It should read, “On Wednesday Senator Ted Cruz tweeted that“pregnancy is not a life-threatening illness, and the abortion pill does not cure or prevent any disease.” Cruz, along with 20 other Republican senators, is currently urging the FDA to ban the pill mifepristone which helps induce abortion. Cruz’s claim is

I’m deeply concerned about your ability to spell. 

It is exactly the kind of criticism Jezebel would lob at someone else.

He called it a “life-threatening illness.” You called it a “life-threatening condition.” It’s splitting hairs, but those aren’t the same thing. Responsible journalism would acknowledge that.

I love sour cream and onion Pringles but don’t buy them because I know as soon as that lid is open I’m eating the whole can. Other bags of chips that I love, I can eat a couple of handfuls and stop. I only stop with Pringles when they are gone.

In the introduction to “Out of Many, One”, a name so awful I could not have even made it up

When you support cancel culture, don’t be surprised when it comes after other things you support.

They really should have asked for the paw print.

Except he’ll say the cat actually voted and his legion of idiots will believe him.

Like the article Jezebel wrote that went scorched earth against the people questioning the Rolling Stone rape story and then later went “uh, oopsie, lulz.”

Yeah, this is why you don’t let an angry mob handle it. They may have killed a man. An unarmed black man, by the way.

Teachers average $55,000? Hmmm. I have 14 years in my profession and if I made $55,000 it would represent a $15,000 raise over my highest salary.

An autopsy is science. There are markers they look for, and if it’s not there then that means it didn’t occur. It literally is science.

Yes, we saw the truth. It wasn’t strangulation. That should be obvious.

I was in college at the time and I loved it.