
Jimmy Kimmel wore blackface on The Man Show while impersonating Karl Malone and Oprah Winfrey. So, yeah, if you’re mad about Fallon and not Kimmel, that’s selective.

I always think of Eddie Murphy’s “White Like Me” and how it not only was not criticized but has been roundly and repeatedly praised.

Is Jimmy Kimmel next? The Man Show was hilarious, so obviously it must be apologized for. Just find a clip. Literally any clip. This selective manufactured outrage is very tiresome.

Forget homophobic material. How many have racist material? 

I put a layer of crushed tortilla chips on the bottom, layer meat/salsa, cheese, refried beans, meat/salsa, cheese and bake it.

I make something that is from a Mexican lasagna recipe that I have altered and even though I still call it Mexican lasagna, it’s basically glorified nachos.

Clearly she had a superorgasm which scrambled her feeble ladybrain.

It was originally supposed to be in Superman II to reverse revealing his identity to Lois Lane.

First off, the Kents are clearly aware of his abilities. He literally lifts their car as a child when they find him and explain to him why he needs to keep it secret when he wants to punch the football player bully.

These type of stories always leave out an element of it: time. Credibility and legitimacy are both hurt by the amount of time that passes between the alleged action and the accusation. It doesn’t mean she’s lying, and the reasons to not come forward are legitimate but it adds an additional credibility problem that

Yes, it has. Trump just hasn’t attended.

The correspondents’ dinner’s primary purpose is a fundraiser for journalism scholarships. I guess you have to be a journalist to know that.

Lorne is also completely opposed to ad libs, meaning that line was scripted and he was aware it would be said and didn’t stop it.

To say that masculinity is in a free fall or state of crisis is to wash our hands of the entire mess and cast men aside as a failed experiment. It is easy to do so when ironic emasculation (for example, the marketing of male tears) sells on Etsyand performs well on social media. But disregarding the concerns of men,

I love the one person who said they love Garth’s music but don’t want politics in it. They probably haven’t listened to the words of We Shall Be Free in a while.

If Michael Phelps has changed genders in 2010 and then competed as a female in London, there would have been a huge outcry over that. The issue is trans women having been male for most their lives developed the body and muscle structure of a male and then transitioned into a female where that essentially means they

You got it wrong, though. Once with Oxford comma and once without.

Maybe. But I think there’s a big difference in that most of these CEOs never worked entry-level positions to begin with. They came from privilege and have been insulated their whole lives. I’m sure a CEO that legitimately worked their way up from the bottom would be different.

Southerner here. My reaction to the picture of both her breakfast and first lunch was “that’s really not that big.” Trying to eat a three meals in three hours was the dumbest part of this experiment.

If you are interviewing a presidential candidate, why would you waste your time with such a pointless question?