
The relationship between he and his girlfriend seemed like there is no way it’s going to work. She came off as wanting a family and normal life and he seemed like he wants the freedom to do whatever he wants and she was an obstacle.

The reason we have replay is to “get it right.” That’s exactly what happened here.

Here Nats players/officials, you can have this one for free.

George W. Bush’s election - both of them - came before the Nationals came to Washington. You might have known that if you had bothered to do any research of any kind.

Their worst-case scenario is for Game 3 to go like 13 innings.

Anyone else finding it a little funny Deadspin criticized SI’s new direction but is now aggregating its reporting? 

Deadspin wanted NBA players to speak out. Well, now they are. Congratulations on getting what you wanted.

No, troll. Intentionally misrepresenting people’s points is never a good debate tactic. But since we’re here, I would invite you to read that memo and issue you the same challenge. Tell me what action should have been taken based on the information in that memo. Not a generic idea of increasing security, I want

The World Trade Center was not a federal building. Try again.

It’s almost as if one thing had nothing to do with the other.

The respectful and correct way to handle this would have been to ban the tomahawks and cease using the music and graphics package that accompanies the chop for the rest of the playoffs.

Read that memo and then tell me what should have been done. And I don’t mean some vague idea, I mean a specific action he should have taken based on the words in that memo.

The only people mad about are liberals. I haven’t seen one single conservative person anywhere be mad that Bush was sitting and laughing with Ellen. This is why liberals lose.

If the aliens are dropping cows from a great height, you should be looking for broken bones, not a depression in the dirt.

Can we please talk about how she’s wearing a designer coat, high heels and using a shovel that has touched about as much dirt as she has?

Did you know that Ellen is also friends with a man who ordered a drone strike on an American citizen? Are we supposed to be mad about that too?

Hey, yesterday you criticized these ESPN idiots for not talking about it. Well, this is what happens when they do.

Are you guys aware of Conservapedia? You should check it out.

All of ESPN’s shows mentioned here are nothing but talking heads that do a poor job of talking about actual sports. To suggest that any of these people, most of whom are complete morons grabbing onto the hot take du jour, could give an accurate, sensible and well-founded representation of an extremely complex

“It didn’t say what I wanted it to say, so I got mad!”