
Why on Earth would they not want a bunch of baseless conspiracy theories peddled uncritically in their comments?

You’re in the wrong place for logic and truth.

I remember a description of Paris Hilton’s home having a literal full night club in it. My first question was how often does it get used? Obviously it’s not staffed and open to the public like a night club would be. It’s just an entertainment space for when she parties. Most of these ridiculous opulent rooms are just

I think much more egregious than having the car is the way the photo is presented. Literally the only reason to a) pose with that many cars at once and b) open the doors on a car like that is to try to impress people with your fanciness. But here’s the other thing I don’t get. Why delete it? That’s who you are. And

When I was trying to buy my house, the market here was so competitive mostly due to “investors” that you had to literally see the house the day it went on the market to have a chance. There was one where my Realtor set up a showing for the day of the listing for 3 p.m. and around noon called me to say it was already

I got roped into an MLM pitch once. I was unemployed and those bastards showed up at a job fair. They handed out some intentionally misleading pamphlets with the header “Get paid to eat” and made it sound like a restaurant testing thing. I sent an email and then got a phone call from a lady inviting me to a job

The original Flip or Flop is very cookie cutter compared to some of the others. Most of their houses look pretty much the same and if you look closely, when they are debating over the tile pattern and backsplash, the one they don’t choose pops up in another episode.

They’ve largely stopped using subway tile in their most recent episodes. Now it’s dizzying tile patterns, white shakers and varying degrees of gray.

They are both inferior to the plunge.

Ocasio-Cortez, for her part, was worried that the woman was, as she put it, “in crisis.”

You want absurdity? In the city where I live (mid-sized, East Coast, blue state) conservatives bitch and moan about the education system like there’s no tomorrow (and it’s actually pretty good, comparatively speaking). But when the mayor proposed, and then city council implemented, a 1.5% increase in the already

No, it would just turn to the way they are with guns. They have what they want but they still use it as an issue because the stir up fear that Democrats want to change it.

It is answerable. There’s not a single hardcore conservative anti-abortion person who doesn’t celebrate their birthday as the day they were born. There is a reason that day has significance that no other day does.

The same people who say banning guns won’t stop shootings think banning abortions will stop abortions. Conservative thinking is quite a mystery in these parts.

This looks like a mostly digital-based purge. The magazine itself will probably remain largely the same.

Obviously different places do different things, so I can’t say specifically what SI does or does not do, but page views are still a driver of internet-based advertising revenue. The more page views you get, the more you can charge for advertising. So, it would move the needle. HOWEVER, one person isn’t nearly enough

NatGeo is such a good magazine. I had a six-month trial subscription once and read some truly fascinating shit about cheetah biology and elephant ivory smuggling. I wasn’t able to subscribe at the time, but I may look into it again now that I can.

I have subscribed to SI on two (three?) separate occasions and they are absolutely hardcore about not losing subscribers. Each time I subscribed was because I got some ridiculous discount, and each time I canceled was because it was too expensive. The magazine itself is good and I do miss it a little bit, but not

Sports Illustrated used to have a good app for its Swimsuit Issue content for the people like me who enjoy it. I wish they would bring it back.

I work for a media company and part of my job is curating (ugh) social media. The commenters are by far the worst part of the job. It is dishearteningly routine to see people allege things about what we cover/don’t cover etc that if they had bothered to read the story they are complaining about would have seen that