
Woodward comes from a time when reporting had high standards. That means that whispers about abuse and back-room talk about what you overheard and speculation by people who weren’t actually there doesn’t rise to the level of reporting the way it does today. You need some type of actual evidence or proof that what you

Forgiveness is not about the person being forgiven. It is about the person doing the forgiving. It is a symbol of not holding onto a grudge and not letting something beyond your control define you or control you. It’s about you and your person feelings. Everyone else, including the person you are forgiving, is

So, your point is because he died in a tragic event completely unrelated the first event, it nullifies that? Try harder.

When they cross the border, we’ll just drop an anvil on them!

I love when Deadspin tries to explain what actual reporting is like. 

Do you have sources to back up those claims?

Well, enlighten me.

Check this out. There’s still 9 minutes to play.

Honestly, this makes for a better story. But when you tell it, try this:

I had this conversation at work the other day about me being a “know-it-all” with Google, and I was just like, I like knowing things. Why would I want to go through life not knowing what something is? I will pause a TV show to look up something if I don’t get the reference. I have followed up Jeopardy questions by

Its source is grown and killed, just like plants.

I was expecting it to be dumb, but I wasn’t expecting it to be this dumb:

Send this article to a journalism professor and ask them to grade it.

I work for a news outlet and during that whole Romaine lettuce thing a while back, there were absolutely people would go off in our comment section on us fearmongering and inducing panic for not saying how you can tell whether your lettuce is from the affected state and all manner of crazy nonsense. The only thing

But they did that with Heath Ledger’s Joker too.

The problem with that argument is you are pointing to this one particular movie as “video games and movies are the problem” ignoring all the other long-standing violent movies and video games that have not inspired anyone to do anything.

I think “OBJ” is Booger McFarland’s way of saying “I went to LSU too and even though we didn’t play together he is my boy.” At least that’s what I hear.

I get pissed a Michael Irvin using only first names. It’s like he’s trying to establish some sort of cred like he knows all these dudes on a first-name basis. “I texted Julio and he’s ready for this game. He’s going to have a big day today against the Bucs.” Well, of course he is, doofus. Julio Jones is the only

I have no shame. If it’s just a tiny spot, I pinch that part out and pretend it was never there. But if it’s four or five spots all over the place, that gets tossed.