Too many of supporters would turn on them the next time they are up for re-election. They don’t give a shit about Trump. They care about themselves.
Too many of supporters would turn on them the next time they are up for re-election. They don’t give a shit about Trump. They care about themselves.
He’d have to actually do it, though. Having a tape of him saying it without it actually being followed through on would not be a crime.
“They’ve been seeing each other for a couple of months and Margaret is really excited about him,” a source tells Us, noting that the pair are planning to make their red carpet debut at the Venice Film Festival together.
Taylor Swift’s teaser singles “ME!” and “You Need to Calm Down” sucked much of the wind out of her pre-release plan, on account of them both being bad. They were so bad that expectations for the full album, Lover, were naturally tempered.
If the bonus is given for him being on the roster and then he retires, thereby removing himself from the roster, that money is not “hard-earned.”
Is no one in the media willing to point out that the face of a franchise announcing their retirement two weeks before the start of a new season is a bad look? You don’t have to agree with the booers or even think the timing is a problem. Just acknowledge that this move right before the season starts when you don’t…
Everybody who talks about the timing looks at it as his age and time in the game. No one is pointing out the face of the franchise walked away two weeks before the start of the season. That’s why there were boos. If he had made the announcement in March like Gronk did, no boos.
Have you met a baseball purist? They’re much more insane than this.
Alabama is an elephant team.
Introvert here and I stopped a seeing a girl I had 3 dates with it because she just wouldn’t shut up. Like, talking too much to eat a meal. Waitress having to come by three or four times just to take an order because she wouldn’t shut up long enough to look at the damn menu. That last date I actually thought quite a…
I didn’t break up with her, but she broke up with me and in retrospect this was a red flag for other, bigger issues we faced later, but every time I would visit my girlfriend she would ask me to take her dog out every time it needed to go. Every time. Not a problem, I thought. I like dogs, and this was a cute dog and…
The other day, my boss who is 7-8 years younger than me (I’m 37) but has a master’s degree (I don’t) and did a study abroad program in Europe was trying to explain this device you can get that will block your cell phone’s signal so hackers can’t use it. She was clearly describing a Faraday cage. She had just learned…
Every woman I have ever dated who has paid for either her part of the bill or the whole bill before we were officially a couple, that is the last time they have agreed to go out with me. It’s become a subtle signal to me that she wants to get the hell out of there.
I have lived in the South my whole life and this is largely a truck thing, in my experience. The bigger the truck, the more likely this behavior becomes. (It’s also a guy thing. I’ve never known women to regularly do this.) There is a practical reason - it’s damn hard to see to back those big things up and parking…
But it will not have staying power.
On top of that, they cost $80. These are 100 percent meant for suburban mommy bloggers.
I can’t tell you how many times people come up to me when I am walking in the park or buying groceries and tell me I can’t have my own athleisure line. I’m infuriating.
“There are a lot of young people who aren’t ready to have a gun holster in their pants but they like the idea behind it, they like the messaging behind it, they believe in the second amendment,” Lahren says. “Whether or not they’re going to put a gun in it, whether or not they’re going to put their phone in it,…
None of the articles that mention Missy Elliott’s video have said where it was shot and whether that old plantation-style home used to be a real plantation with slaves and whether Throw It Back means we should go back to a time when slavery existed. I don’t know if I should be angry or not. Please help.