
I know and that makes it worse to me. The Kardashians call ahead to say where they will be and when so the cameras can be there and then they act annoyed that there are cameras waiting for them. TMZ will also bury an unflattering story, even though that is literally what the site was built on.

The longer I stay in journalism, the more I become disillusioned with it. It’s not just one thing, it’s a series of little things like not being willing to follow-up on a story the next day, not getting clarification when we should, taking people at their word too often, one source reporting and then making a big deal

Streisand Effect. Let her speak and it’s only local news. Cut her off and you’re going national.

This is one of those things I’m trying to understand the “badness” of. These will be journalism students probably getting course credit working for the network and ESPN, giving them one hell of a resume entry to start their career with. This doesn’t seem like a bad thing.

My only direct experience with ESPN was getting quite literally shoved aside (would’ve gone down had I not grabbed onto another reporter standing next to me who was somewhat grabbing onto to me so he didn’t fall too) by a comically large security guy leading a cameraman to the trophy presentation after a College

Can confirm the media think the media are the most important thing.

I used to be a sports writer and I covered some pretty big events, including MLB spring training. There is absolutely nothing about this that prevented the Free Press guy from doing his job. First off, he’s covering the Tigers. Verlander plays for the Astros, so he doesn’t need a quote from him anyway. Secondly, it is

On the break thing, it’s been so long since I’ve seen the relevant Friends episodes that I can’t accurately recall how that played out. But my interpretation of “taking a break” means you are breaking up most likely with the intention of getting back together or at least revisiting the relationship at a later point.

The fakest thing to me is how long is takes the ball to come back down after bouncing on her knee. It’s not a trampoline. That ball isn’t going very high.

I got legitimately angry when I learned that the guy who founded TMZ is friends with all these celebrities. He’s a big friend of the Kardashians and Simon Cowell and hangs out with all these celebrities that he made a name for himself trashing in any way that he could. Why? There’s no way in hell I could be nice to

All of those may play a role, but as a non-Brit I also wonder if there is a difference in the treatment because they know he won’t ever be king. Is it more distasteful to go after William because he is likely the future monarch? And Harry will always just be a rich guy with a title so it’s easier to dump on him?

It’s worth pointing out this flight was from England to Scotland. Had they been going to Africa or the Pacific or North America, they would not have flown commercial.

No, it’s legit. There is a 100 percent chance that if these proposals were implemented they would start advocating for even tighter ones. The NRA is actually right on this one.

Can’t do that because that would be admitting the gun played a role. The gun wasn’t to blame, you see. It was the gunman and his mental health that were to blame. The gun was just a tool.

That’s what they argue every time. The “slippery slope.” They’re not against the actual restriction you are proposing, they are against giving in and allowing a restriction to be put in place because the next round of restrictions and the next round after that will be things that don’t want and they have to show you

Gun control is the most important political issue to me (though admittedly it probably should be healthcare). I am all for us eliminating gun violence and putting an end to mass shootings, but I think the right way to do it is to go the complete other way.

Also, the depth. The Titanic wreck is deep, and the weight of the water crushes it faster than if it were closer to the surface.

That’s why you have to get young, energetic vice presidential nominee. Hopefully this time it’s not one who’s batshit crazy.

Exactly. Pass the law or don’t pass the law based on what you think the merits of it are. Don’t ask a special interest group what you’re supposed to support and not support.

That 90 percent stat is misleading. A lot of the people who answer yes to that question don’t think it includes private sales, like you selling to your neighbor. But when the bills are written, they see that “universal” really does mean everybody and they freak.