
So, a few things here.

one in five people ages 23-35 reporting having not one friend. If that were true, wouldn’t more than 11 percent always feel lonely?

This kind of spending actually makes that more likely to occur, so we should be encouraging it.

100 percent they don’t care. “So she had a stylist? What’s the big deal?”

I think that would be an easy case to make if the stylists were on the NRA’s payroll, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here. Maybe they are and they only work whenever there is an event of some sort, but even then the travel expenses and luxury hotel stays are unquestionably not necessary because you can sleep

Well, to hear the NRA tell it (and it’s probably a lie) they don’t ban guns from their events. The people who manage the buildings where they have their events ban guns at all events held there and, well, there just aren’t other options as to where that event could be held.

Well, let’s see, a good place to start is by Googling “Nashville stylist country music.” That leads us to a Tennesseean article on Trish Townsend, who seems to be the go-to person for country music’s elite.

So news that tens of thousands of dollars worth of donor funds were spent making sure that CEO Wayne LaPierre’s wife got the full beat of her dreams with a traveling glam squad is just another layer of shit on the massive shit cake that the right-wing gun lobby has spent years baking.

Trump knows, like, six adjectives: Incredible, tremendous, best, beautiful, biggest, huge.

Such is life in Trumpland. There was a really funny post I saw a few weeks ago that brought up things from a coupe of years ago that were huge news then like the airport debacles over the Muslim ban, the hurricane debacle in Puerto Rico, foreign dignitaries paying money to Trump’s Washington hotel and on and on and

That’s been out there for several days now. The jail guards were understaffed and overworked and didn’t do the rounds the way they were supposed to, fell asleep on the job due to them pulling massive overtime and falsified their records to cover their asses. It’s fairly obvious there’s nothing nefarious here.

If it was murder, the person who did it would be seen on the jail’s surveillance cameras.

The worst thing about this comment is I have no idea if you are being sarcastic or serious. That’s where we are now - in a perpetual state of Poe’s Law limbo.

But we’ve also heard numerous reports that the guards were overworked and didn’t make the proper rounds they were supposed to. There is nothing nefarious going on here.

Why are the conspiracies so widespread in this case? It’s absurd. Even people I know to not be given to repeating unsubstantiated bullshit are all in on the conspiracy train. I don’t get it. But I also have the bare minimum level of interest in this as a news story to begin with. So, what gives?

But who is that in the picture? She put her arm over her face and now I can’t even tell if there’s a person there.

Now playing

Damn, there’s a bunch of people on here who need to chill ... and listen to this:

I work in the media world and I don’t mind people who point out mistakes, but I loathe with the fire of 1,000 suns the assholes who act all high and mighty about it and make it sound like because I misspelled a word that I should be fired. They don’t just notice a mistake, they think it was intentional and that we

I’m not a parent, but I know plenty, including some mommy blogger types. It may be be insecurity, but it is absolutely that their identity is based entirely in their children. Almost exclusively they are white and middle-to-upper class, and even more often stay-at-home mothers. These women are also in the next level

I’m a single dude and I have legit thought about the most important trait in any future wife would be that she not be a mommy blogger. I know it’s to some degree because I am a single dude, but I hate all the parenting nonsense. The worst for me is when someone will post a picture of where their kid either shit on