
If you guys aren’t watching the MSNBC series “American Swamp,” you should. Yes, it’s MSNBC, but it’s their good people who host the show - Katy Tur and Jacob Soboroff. It’s really good.

The most out of touch response to that shooting, in my opinion, was one of the representatives who was there who said that Scalise being there was actually fortuitous because the security that engaged the shooter was only there because Scalise was a member of the leadership team. So you think people should carry guns

I’m actually surprised that all the guns rights folks who surface to police the media’s misuse of terms like clip and assault rifle aren’t outraged that it should have been “Attach the magazine.”

Well, did you?

A woman dated had a toddler at her house too, but he belonged to the couple who were living in her spare bedroom while they were looking for a new place to live.

I had that thought, too, but then I remembered no women ever came over. :-/

Yikes. Although, as I get older, I wouldn’t turn down a little amoxicillin for the next time I get tonsillitis. It’s what they always prescribe anyway. But I would be suuuuuuper paranoid about it being laced with something weird.

I dated a woman who had a “shopping cart” but not one of the big rolly ones. This was those handheld ones meant for, like, five or six items and she had about five or six of them from a couple of different stores. She had deliberately stolen them. Took her groceries to the car in that little basket and drove home with

A woman I had previously dated and then had a couple of “oh, we’re still doing this?” moments more or less invited herself to dinner with me and then we walked around and talked some kind of like we would have while we were dating. It started going to that “OK, we are still doing this” place again and she made it

A guy I knew in middle school had his neutered cat’s testicles. I was fascinated by them. (Also, I’m a dude.)

I mean, it has a Braille version. (Seriously, it does.)

You probably should. They’ve published a lot of very good things.

Reaganomics and most of the Republican platform then and now is based on the idea that if you give people (and corporations are people, remember?) the choice, they will do what is right on their own and find a better, more economical way to do it than if the government forces them to. But all evidence points to the

I am from Mississippi and that fair that he was speaking at has been living on that speech ever since. (He didn’t launch the campaign there, just the post-convention phase.) It is absolutely a “must” for a state politician to go there. (They used to literally stand on tree stumps, but it’s become such a big thing,

I’ve not been active in a church in about 12 or 13 years but I still remember the original Amy Grant controversy that her music was too similar to pop music and that she had changed her image to appeal to a wider audience and that just the fact that people who might not be Christian would be interested in her music

Absolutely. There is a large population of people who allow only Christian things into their home. They only let their kids watch Disney movies or PBS and only listen to Christian music, Christian comedians (yes, they exist) and other Christian programming. There’s a cottage industry centered around those people of

Lol. They would probably say it was OK to use others’ music and make it Christian-themed because that is taking back something secular and using it for good.

Oh yeah. Top 10 market and all your stations are network-owned. I bet they are all insufferable.

In a weird way, he’s probably right. The people who consume Christian music, and especially obscure Christian music, are really super hardcore into not letting “the world” into their little bubble. That’s not the only people who would buy his music, but it’s a big enough crowd to be influential.

The site has the strangest relationship with women showing skin on magazine covers.