
That’s actually something that, as a news outlet, you are powerless over. Good stories get clicks and news outlets report good stories. BUT, good stories aren’t the things people get mad at you when you don’t cover them. If news outlets stopped covering assaults, shootings, stabbings, people dying in weird ways, their

I read that as “we were close to visiting our friend, the car died and we walked the rest of the way.”

He was very clear on the reason you call police here. You call them, say you don’t know who the car belongs to, they will have it impounded, which the owner has to pay for and not you. If you call the tow truck yourself, a) you’re on the hook for the bill and b) he very well might not tow it because it’s not your car.

Electric car owners saving the planet by driving a vehicle that uses so many rare earth elements to make it operate that it actually causes more damage to the atmosphere than if you just drove a traditional SUV.

If that scene was put in a movie today, Jezebel would be the first place to tear it down because Stacy isn’t the one who decides to get the abortion. Damone suggests it and she timidly agrees.

Exactly. Abortion must be depicted as murder and the woman who gets the abortion must be shown being mentally tortured by her regret over the decision.

We could have that here, but our TV stations don’t choose to seek out people who will have a calm, rational debate. They want screaming lunatics.

The fact that it is tame and matter-of-fact is what would be controversial. The conservative groups that oppose abortion would decry it as not showing the emotional torment women feel when they get abortions.

Unfortunately, Mayer and the New Yorker also seriously mischaracterized the story of one of those accusers, whom Jezebel previously reported on.

Jezebel doesn’t seem to. To wit:

But the actress in that scene knows it’s happening, right? And agrees to do that skit? That’s consent.

I’ve seen all of two Tarantino films: Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill Vol. 1.

“later reported that it was the hottest night of the year and made her feel especially pregnant in all the worst ways,” whatever that means.

The cherry tree was George Washington, and is almost certainly bullshit. Honest Abe, however, is corroborated by many people who worked with Lincoln long before he got into politics and he then used that reputation to further his career.

People in Florida routinely get that close to alligators and feed them, despite signs at every public access point saying not to.

These people are from Florida. They see and probably feed alligators on a daily basis. They have no sense of what a wild animal is.

Every time this happens, I swear there was an old black and white movie where some wacked-ass old manager that was being mocked the whole movie did this by putting his starter at third base for a batter and then putting him back on the mound, but I can NEVER find that movie. I know I saw it. I’m not (that) crazy.

MLB Network has been running ads in-game on a split screen while the action continues. It’s dumb, but it works and keeps me from changing the channel.

Cora also failed to call “no backsies.

None. My interest level is as low as it could possibly be.