
See, I always thought that was code for “shit we made up.

It looks like a flock of beige butterflies alit on her head. Or maybe they’re moths? Hungry, sinister moths?

I should ask my mom about her experience. I was essentially an emergency C-section because the cord wrapped around my neck while I was on my way out.

In his own way, he does. He covers the base of their racist ideas without wading into the overly racist waters where they live. It’s what is normally called dog whistle racism. He speaks to those ideas that are rooted in racism without using the actual racist language of those groups.

She likely hired someone else to do all the real work while she has philosophical conversations with that person and then only gets personally involved when it’s something fun. Or at least that’s what I’d do.

She’s probably just so happy to be away from Donald Trump during that time, she doesn’t care about anything else.

I’m single and live alone and I cook for myself. But if you gave me the option to have someone else do it for me, provided that they cook food I like, my ass is never cooking again.

I’ll also add this. For all of what we think of the Obamas not holding to the same tropes, they were very sensitive to those types of criticisms. The shorts only came out once. The tan suit only came out once. Once there was backlash for it, it went away completely. The best thing Obama could have done after the tan

We should put pictures of animals on the money. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would be positively outraged to see the British monarchical tradition carried on here.

Krispy Kreme donuts are perfectly fine. There are certainly better donuts available from smaller chains and local donut bakeries, but they are a good generic office donut that no one objects to. But only people with no imagination or creativity who can only name two donut stores consider them to be the best.

National chain vs. regional chain.

Still unclear whether we can enjoy the donuts unscathed.

True, but he did one thing absolutely masterfully and that was appeal to the racist crowd with language they understood as supporting their ideology while at the same time maintaining just enough distance from their overtly hateful rhetoric as to not be directly tied to them. It was an art. No one else will ever do

Fox News, work for other Republicans, run for office themselves, work for the Trump Organization, lobbyists, create Super PACs that run one ad a year attacking a Democrat its trendy to hate and line their pockets with the rest of the money, write a book, become spokespeople for things like the NRA and pro-life

She’s white and blonde. She’s perfect.

He could probably tweet that even though she violated the Hatch Act he doesn’t want Trump to fire her and Trump would fire her just to spite him.

Her mind was made up that she wouldn’t like the song before she even hit play.

Taylor Swift not belonging to any minority groups likely plays a significant role in that.

That last part, definitely. You don’t write something like this post without having already made up your mind on the conclusion before even listening to the subject matter.

No, it’s specifically directed at people like the author of this post who hate everything Taylor Swift does simply because it’s Taylor Swift that it doing it.