
I remember something like this from an episode of Hogan Knows Best (stay with me). They were holding a cook-out for their neighbors, many (most? all?) of whom were Jewish. They had Kosher burgers and hot dogs but the guests still wouldn’t eat them because they were cooked on the same grill as the non-Kosher food.

Just like how Measles has become all the rage too.

Yes, this could have caused serious problems for people with allergies.

They will claim he was talking about NASA’s Moon-to-Mars program which prepares for future Mars exploration by using lunar exploration as essentially a test-run. It’s entirely possible that’s what he meant, but it’s definitely not what he said. Also, that tweet is a complete reversal of his own policy promoting a

It’s the northeastern liberal way.

No, fuck him. Your country’s debt is your country’s problem, not Bill Gates’. What he does with his money is his business. If he wants to use it for that, great. If he wants to not use for that, that’s great too.

Elizabeth Warren isn’t running for Elizabeth Warren, she’s running against Donald Trump. If that’s how she campaigns, she will lose.

The bigger problem is Democrats are always running against something and not FOR something. Be FOR something, damn it, and have that something be achievable, like reclassifying marijuana (not de-criminalizing or legalizing) and not some pipe dream like universal health care. Yes, I want universal health care but we

I liked these guys right up until I read their quotes. (And please don’t use the term “leftist.”)

Wouldn’t not following state law be grounds to revoke a physician’s medical license?

Then they get investigated by the state legislature, have their license revoked by the state and get jailed for not following state law.

What if they get charged with crimes and put in prison for not following state law? Telling the doctors to not follow the requirements is not the right move here.

And yet the Yankees still have the third-highest payroll in MLB. 

When I was a sports writer, I once wrote a column about a high school soccer team winning the state championship that talked about how experience was crucial to winning but you can only get experience in winning if you win first. Kind of a chicken-and-egg thing. In reality, that column was a surrogate for me bitching

I just want to thank you for the mental image I got of a soldier chasing after a stray cat with a can of spray paint.

An interesting exercise in irony from Jezebel on this one.

Alexadria Ocasio-Cortez is akin to the Tea Party from the Republican Party. Alone, she can’t do anything, but get a large enough group of like-minded people together and they can alter the trajectory of the party forever.

Also better than Sonic. Tails could fly, Knuckles could climb. Sonic couldn’t do shit.

Those adults, like me, grew up playing Sonic and should know that Tails was the better character anyway.

Get some perspective. It’s the barely visible teeth of a cartoon character that you probably didn’t even notice until somebody else told you they were “ugly.”