

Same for Vidalia onions. You can grow a sweet onion anywhere, but you can only call it a Vidalia if it’s from Vidalia, Georgia.

The really important thing is to keep reminding people that pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion. I don’t like abortion. I would like it to not exist. But I don’t think banning it is going to accomplish that and will likely lead to many, many more problems that are far worse. So, I am pro-choice because other

The issue isn’t cis men, it’s conservatives. Plenty of women are anti-abortion too. This article is ridiculous in its reductive stereotyping of identity politics.

Not stereotyping an entire group of people based solely on their gender identity and sexual orientation would be a good start.

All of that is true. And it only made things for this guy when the opportunity to have a date with someone was there and they said no.

I’m one of those people that doesn’t have much of a social life or many friends and also no girlfriend. Yes, the two are probably linked in some way. But, I’ve had girlfriends. I was engaged once. And both my long-term relationships ended through no fault of my own. (The engagement ended when she cheated on me with

I can’t figure it out, either. Since baseball season started, I have taken to defaulting to MLB Network for mindless background noise when previously it was, like, CNN. ESPN, I just can’t. MLB Network has some of the same problems but at least they are one-sport specific, so I give them a little more leeway there. The

ESPN: We don’t want our anchors discussing politics because our viewers have said they don’t want that.

(What action, exactly? Why does this luxurious bathroom in what is surely a very expensive apartment not have curtains, or at the very least frosted glass?)

Worst joke: “You’re no longer dressed like you’re trying to attract sailors by the wharf,” Sheldon says to Penny. Penny is precious to me don’t you dare hurt her.

That is not at all true. I’ve watched from the beginning and I would not want to be Sheldon.

Nah. Corners in, middle back. As was drilled into our Little League heads: corners throw home, middle turns 2.

I’m sure according to the rule it is two RBI but he really only should get one. The second run in no way scores because of his at-bat. In my mind that’s how you sometimes see a guy hit a single and then advances on a throw that goes to third to try to get the lead runner. He ends up on second, but that’s not a double.

This is a “corners go home, middle turns two” situation, but then he charged the weak grounder making the throw home the better option but still tried the double play and then it all just went to shit on him, Chris Davis got caught up in the out in front of him rather than the runner on third.

Halfway through your post I stopped and checked. I was pretty sure I already had and, yeah, mom and dad’s numbers right there. They’re the most unreliable cell phone users on Earth, but that’s all I got.

Flawed argument. The governor of Alabama who signed its law and gave it a full-throated endorsement is a woman.

That’s the major misconception among the far-right wingers as it related to abortion. Pro-choice people would be perfectly content with people not seeking abortion, they just want that option to be available if it’s something you want.

There are all sorts of memes and stuff like that and they all assume that every kid that was aborted was destined for greatness to better all of mankind. No one ever thinks about how many serial killers were not brought into the world because of it.

One thing I noticed about A-Rod, and I can’t stop noticing it, is whenever they have a story about a player that week, somehow that thing also happened exactly the same way to A-Rod. This week it was his mother convincing him to stick with baseball and not play basketball. I’m convinced he’s just co-opting their