Prognosis Negative

Top Secret!

That Thing You Do!” goes on the list.

A Talking Cat!?!

After having tried to watch Terrifier, I can easily say if this is the future of horror, I’m out. Artless, joyless, miserably gruesome, and utterly cruel. No thank you.

Regardless, the “let’s not look at each other” bit was pretty dopey.

What kind of world do we live in where someone like Jerry Lee Lewis can be taken from us so soon, yet Matthew Perry continues to walk around in this world?

Why We’re Still Dressing Up as the Playboy Bunny”

Look, if it’s not about getting an internet mob together to wave their digital pitchforks and torches at a public figure who fails to pass the “more progressive-than-thou” purity test, AV Club is going to have a test lab rhesus monkey proofread.

I play the same game with Oprah.

To this day he seems like kind of an affable slacker doof who’s a bit blank and wooden as an actor, albeit one who’s also good at spinning kicks and hip throws.

It was exhausting. Not Zack Snyder exhausting but it was a lot of work to get through. And like you, I was ready for it to end. Nolan’s Batman movies, regardless of quality, were not a chore for me to watch.

The least realistic thing was basically everything involved with the production, like they go Wes Anderson to guest direct for a week. HS plays aren’t capable of this level of craft for a variety reasons, only delusional adults with HBO budgets.

“Why isn’t this movie about Princess Di’s bulimia casting a 600lb woman of colour as Princess Di?”

Fuck off.

I thought they were saying that if the circumstances were totally different, then their opponents’ position on it would be the same, which would show that the position isn’t actually due to the circumstances.

Well, I wouldn’t go that far.  Some of his reviews were novel-length and often revolved around him spouting off on politics like all get out.

Not dying on any hill, just outlining the context of why he was fired and that I don’t think the film without the character of Pierce will be anywhere close to the heights of the show that people actually look back on fondly.

A lot of people wouldn’t have a sense of humor about an outsider coming in, gathering negative quotes about them while pretending to be interested in what they were doing, and painting their working style in a negative fashion. People spend a good portion of their lives in their careers and many want that time to be

Way more distracting that JFK is played by Luis Guzman.