Prognosis Negative

S4, while not nearly having the peaks of S3 also had none of the bullshit. I’m amazed anyone put up with that Ken Burns pillow fight bullshit episode. Yeah S4 ended up being mediocre where S3 was overall good, but I at least felt less mildly annoyed by the former.

Thank you. Women like Stroh being allowed to use the language of the abused to weasel out of their own poor decisions has been going on for too long now post-Me Too and all it is doing is trivializing real abuse and causing people to roll their eyes when a real testimonial is given. Enough.


It’s interesting to go back to old articles on this website and see the difference in tone. Many of his movies are middling. He also made some of the greatest comedies of all time. He has some horrific accusations against him. Many people have called those accusations into question. Those four ideas can all co-exist.

Really bad news for Windsor font fans.

If you hate the man because of the accusations made against him just say so. Don’t lie though and act like the disgust oozing from your article is directed towards his films. Cuz if it’s Matt Schimkowitz, Movie Critic vs the films of Woody Allen, Woody wins. Every time.

Annie Hall was his 10th movie. After that, he made Manhattan, Hannah and Her Sisters, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Manhattan Murder Mystery, Bullets Over Broadway, Vicky Christina Barcelona, Midnight in Paris, and Blue Jasmine.

I don’t know that that’s true. They might rip the show for exploiting bad practices in law enforcement. But they kind of already do. And Oliver has done several episodes about what constitutes “crime”, the inequities in how “criminals” are treated, bail problems, for-profit prisons, etc. Maybe L&O should do episodes

Oh boy. You just smoke-signaled some of the internet’s scoldiest scolds.

Never a good sign when the director is talking more about the cultural significance of the movie than the movie itself.  

Wut? I missed that. Did she not remember Halle Berry, Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster, Charlize Theron, Hillary Swank, Holly Hunter, Marlee Martin and probably others who won Best Actress for roles where they were nude. 

Is “prognosis negative” a description of your prospects for recovery from brain damage? Or are you just a dipshit?

“Eet could bee wan t’rust too meny!”

For the love of Christ can everyone stop pretending that cancel culture “isn’t a thing” just because it doesn’t always result in the targeted person disappearing from public life *forever*?

Regular people, people who aren’t famous, get cancelled and it results in lost jobs, lost friends and sometimes suicide. It’s the

These are minimum wage, minimum skill workers who work in a … checks notes…yep, an ‘at will employment’ state. That means the theatre owners can fire them without cause or explanation. They could, if they were so inclined, fire a few of them, hire some replacements, fire a few more, and so on until all the

It’s not that she included those experiences in the book, she can write whatever she wants. It’s more that discussing the mental health crisis you went through is a tried and true promotional strategy for selling that book or whatever new role someone has after being out of the spotlight in the “rehabbing someone’s

I hope she’s in a good place with her mental health, but it always feels a little... gross (?) when it seems like somebody is trying to monetize a mental health crisis as part of a book tour/PR comeback. None of this also seems to reckon what it seemed like was the widely held opinion across the industry that she was

Use your imagination, AV Club. I know you can find an excuse to include Chappelle, Stranger Things, and Thor 4 into one arti... slide show.

Well, he did let Wendy williams steal his “how YOU doin?!?”  catchphrase

ELaine didnt